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14th Jun 2013, 11:18
Hie everyone,

does anyone know an African airline that offers cadet pilot training to foreign nationals? if yes how can one apply plus what if you already have or you are studying towards a Bsc degree can they consider your application.

your help will be highly appreciated.

thanks in advance

19th Jun 2013, 15:50
This question has been asked many time am sure, thats probably why you are not getting reply. But since am here today, just waiting for FOMC press conference to pass with less activity going on in equity market, well, let me reply than stare at charts.

It is unlikely(never) that a foreign airline will accept you in their cadet program. They have locals who would wish for the same like you...a lot actually...since everybody who has never been a pilot, wish and think its the best career there is, and a get rich quick career type. ITS NOT.

If your country airline do not have cadet program, you have a few options-well(1 option)... that is sponsor it yourself.
If this is your only option, well if someone(you) have the money to invest into learning to fly, then go for it...That is if your main dream and goal is to FLY, not because you think you will gain a lot from your investment(get a good job after completing)
IF you do not have the money, well you could take the loan: I STRONGLY DO NOT ADVISE THIS ROUTE. That is to say, if someone is willing to sponsor you, just be sure they won't require you to pay them back after you complete your course.

Not to sound too negative or discourage you from going after your dream, I would like to tell you some facts or what to expect.

-If you plan to have a lavish career and make lots of money after completing flying school...well, it is possible, but the odds are similar to going to a casino with the only money you have left, and hoping you will double the money.
-If you come from a country that do not have much flying activities going on, it is not easy finding job in a foreign country after you completed school. Infact most countries DO NOT accept foreign pilots and its getting harder and harder with the labour law in many countries. That said, your first job(with little experience) in a foreign country will unlikely be on a big shining boeing jet....it will be on a small aircraft and u will probably be flying to destinations you rather not goto, getting paid very little---or not at all(U might even pay to fly--so you build those hours---some have done it)
-The foreign countries that will accept you that am talking about---many of them are in Africa-infact they are numbered( Tanzania,Botswana,Kenya(with luck),Uganda(with luck),Congo,South Africa***(Unlikely),Namibia, Zambia. A lot of pilots around the world started from there...BUT the situation is changing, not long all that will change, soon foreign pilots may not be accepted anymore, meaning you only have your own country to rely on.

-Just graduating from a flying school with a brand new linces will not guarantee you a job right away, like some other normal degree programs from university. Many companies require you to have a bit of experience(flying hours) before they can hire you. That said, you will be competing with some other pilots who already have the experience. They say there is shortage of pilot---well that is theoretically true But not practically true anymore. The shortage of pilots they are talking about are for some breeds of 'super' pilots that that are years of experience away from you, of which you may never get to their level of experience in your entire career life as a pilot.(Does not mean u are not a good pilot, it just means everyone got different path life,some are more luckier than you)

-Being a pilot is an expensive experience. You will need money to travel to look for jobs, you will need money to maintain your licence while you are out of work. You may have to do 'additional training'(aircraft ratings) to be marketable.

Salary Range:

-Fresh from school-Expect None to 500-1500$per month(majority)
Pay will then increase as you go up with experience and aircrafts/company. This can take a long time or short time.
-Expect to stay without a flying job after completing school for a year or even more.

Finish your current degree. Get a regular job. Then start taking flying lessons at your flying club on weekends, if all is going well, it wont be long before you are a fully fledge shining pilot.

These are few things I have to let you know, but otherwise, there are a lot of happy pilots out there, and you my friend can be one of them. If you have the means, and can afford, please come join us.

20th Jun 2013, 15:08
Well said digital soul. You just summed up everything.

25th Jun 2013, 19:50
Thanks for the advise guys

Raffles S.A.
25th Jun 2013, 22:08
Finish your BSc degree and you will likely find a job. Then if you still wish to fly, you can do it part time all the way to comm/if level. I take it there are no cadet schemes in Malawi, it is a long time since I have been there.

27th Jun 2013, 16:00
Air Seychelles have a cadet program in ABu Dhabi where they do training with Etihad airways but its only for their nationals.