View Full Version : Gettin rid of quick time

tony draper
29th Apr 2002, 08:25
Question?.is there anyway of coverting PDF fles to jpeg?.
I downloaded some aircraft pickies and they are in this bludy PDF form, I click on them and zip all happens.
Don't know how this came about, I did download quicktime in order to look at a short video clip. it seems to have converted all my clips its terribly slow and does not seem to allow me to save downloads, if I delete this bloody quick time will it take all the clips it has created with it.
I normaly use the earlier verson of windows media player,Ilike it better than the later version

29th Apr 2002, 09:43
Several points to answer:

PDF = Portable Document Format and is for documents and still pictures not movies. Sounds like you're trying to look at your downloaded stills in a movie player. It won't work; I've just tried it.

You need Acrobat Reader; it's given away free with lots of programs for reading instruction manuals and so on.

If, when you double click a PDF file, Quicktime is opened, it seems that your File Association is pointing you in the wrong direction.

If you have Acrobat Reader, open it first and then drag the PDF image file into it and it should be visible.

Yes, you can convert an image in a PDF file to JPG format but you need a fairly fancy Program such as Photoshop. First you import the PDF file into the program which you have already opened. I've just done it using "drag and drop". It asks you whether you want to rasterize it and when you say "Yes" it becomes a potential Photoshop file but you can then save it as a JPG file using the usual procedure. The JPG file size is only slightly bigger than the PDF size.

Just done it; simplicity itself.

Oh yes, Quicktime and Windows Media Player can live happily alongside each other. But, evertime you open it, Quicktime will always try to get you to reset the file associations to point to itself instead of one of the other players. If you don't want this, you have to be on the ball to say "No" when it asks you. LIke you, I prefer WMP but keep Quicktime for those specialised media files that pop up from time to time in an application that was written originally for the Apple but can be used in Windows (like Photoshop).

tony draper
29th Apr 2002, 13:14
Thanks Fob, I just want shot of Qtime off my machine, only third party thing I ever downloaded that was better than the windows stuff was Gozilla.
Yeh I knew pif files where for still pickies, was two questions really.
Gonna try deleting it , if I lose my exsisting clips to bad.
Qtime seems to be about ten times slower, than the native media player.
thanks again

1st May 2002, 16:51

F.Y.I QuickTime is a competitor to the Micros$oft Windows media application. There were allegations made in the DOJ/M$ case that The Beast of Redmond withheld information from Apple engineers that would enable QT to work properly in the Windows environment. It works fine on the Mac.

Agree with fob re. the PDF workaround.
