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View Full Version : Take-off briefings in Multi Crew

22nd May 2013, 18:22
Right. What needs to be discussed for a take-off briefing in a multi engine, two crew aircraft? Eeeeeverything that can go wrong, or just the essentials? What are the essentials? :O

22nd May 2013, 20:09
The essentials in Africa? Constantly reminding yourself that (parts of) that continent are not for sissies. :sad::E

Ok, handing over to some serious answers...

Solid Rust Twotter
23rd May 2013, 05:03
Actions in case of abnormalities before and after V1/Vr. Keep it succinct and involve the other crew member naming his actions to fit in with yours, ie, radio calls on the ground before V1 if stopping, abridged immediate actions and switch and power selection and confirmation after V1/Vr, checklists and follow up.

Jefferson Airplane
23rd May 2013, 14:49
The departure briefing is more than just an RTO briefing. It is the expected plan of action for any non-normal event as well as the expected normal procedure. Although my suggestion is based upon my airline's 'Threat-based Briefing,' there are a number of things that would be pertinent for any multi-crew operation:

1. RTO briefing as you mentioned - crew coordination and actions in the event of an evacuation
2. Engine failure after V1 - engine out procedure, crew coordination and plan of action (holding pattern or immediate return and type of approach)
3. Brief the charts - expected taxi route, SID/departure
4. Terrain
5. Weather
6. Operational threats - in Africa this is pertinent

Again, this is what we use but a thorough airline-type briefing for departure and arrival covers all the bases.

Hope this helps.

Fly safe.

Jefferson Airplane

23rd May 2013, 19:37
"Ok, Briefingwise, in the event of an RTO I will..."

*interrupts* "Do we have to?"

".....er......no, thank goodness, I thought you were going to make me say the whole thing, ok it's the usual RTO, standard engine inop.......blah blah, the NODDY 1A which we've done a billion times, you know the rest...."


*Both carry on reading newspaper*

NB - This NEVER, EVER happens where I work. Never.

Lord Spandex Masher
23rd May 2013, 19:52
Do you want the long or the short brief?
Wow, what's the long one?
27R, don't crash.

This never happens where I work either!

24th May 2013, 08:21
Brevity without loosing clarity is, IMHO and experience, most effective!

Also depends on:
First flight of the day/week/month/year for this crew pairing?
Airline crew - (same routes) or full-time vs. freelance corporate/GA or non-scheduled environment.

I agree with previous posts that it should include a (brief) discussion of Chart(s), Terrain, Weather and Operational considerations/threats concluded by the safety (emergency) bits!

Phantom Driver
1st Jun 2013, 14:11
Briefings like mini-skirts--"long enough to cover the essentials, short enough to keep you interested" (this from an old timer.)

(Sadly, the era of "C2Plus" etc etc is now with us.)