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View Full Version : St Maarten/ St Barthelemy

16th May 2013, 21:02
hello Sirs!
I'm a liner pilot (once upon a time, my company has now suspended activity) looking for a job in Caribbean area. I know that the only way to get a flying job in St Maarten or places like this is going knocking on every Airline door, but travelling and staying there for a long time is more than expensive. Now I'm in Mexico working as photographer, but there's no way to get the licence converted and fly (JAA ATPL, by the way...).

Does Anybody know if it's easy or even possible to find any kind of job in Caribbean islands? I mean a job to found partially the trip that would last several weeks or months and have time to investigate for a flying position. I'm oriented on St Maarten, St Barth or Europe-linked places because of work permit, and honestly, flying for St Barth commuter or Winair would be the dream of child coming true (i suppose, eh he!)

Thank You guys, everyone.

Happy landings!

16th May 2013, 21:41
What is your nationality? I see it very hard getting employed without being a local, Dutch or French. Looking at recent news not many of those companies are doing great financially.

I can help you with other opportunities in the area, or at least give you some ideas, also on how to travel around for close to nothing..pm me

16th May 2013, 22:55
thank you flyingswiss! I'm from Italy and I speak no one word of dutch, but have no problems with spanish and french.. I know it can be hard to find a place to fly, but years ago one caribbean company flying on twinotter said me: "it's a shame You are not here and rated on dhc-6, we need a pilot right now". That's why I want to go there phisically and not just digitally.. but I know it would take time to realize how the situation really is, so I'd like to find a job as bartender or whatever to maintain myself on this project..

happy landings!

Ebbie 2003
18th May 2013, 15:36
:: CRANe - Caribbean Regional Aviation Network :: Welcome! (http://www.craneforum.org/)

This site good for Caribbean stuff too.

You got CFI rating (SEP)?

18th May 2013, 20:46
thank you Ebbie! by the way, no, I'm not an instructor