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View Full Version : hereditery blood pressure

28th Apr 2002, 14:11
hey guys
some of you might remember my inquiry at "blood pressure" forum last month.... well, i am going to stuttgart in 5 days to get hold of a f.a.a medical one license......and this blood pressure is still bugging me......

my dad has a real high blood pressure......my own being 135/96......i am 19 and would be starting my flight training soon.

shall i get the license? i have a good physique and my g.p has reported nothing unusual in me. so, not really worried about things like eyes, color blindness etc...

any comments about this crappy thing? any suggestion?


9th May 2002, 21:29
Just don't answer yes to any questions about a history of blood pressure and heart problems in your family and you'll be fine. That what I did when I started my flying career 30 years ago and I still pass my medical despite a family history of blood pressure problems.