View Full Version : Simple sheet to record aircraft data

9th May 2013, 20:39
Can anyone point me to a simple form which one can use to jot down the key data for an aeroplane - stuff like rotation speed, Vx, Vy, fuel consumption - the key items one could extract from the pilot operating handbook and then have as a ready-reference.

I searched on Google but it's one of those things where one needs to know what such a document is called.

Hopefully, someone will know what I mean.

9th May 2013, 21:00
Make your own. MSWord + POH.

9th May 2013, 22:41
You mean a cheat sheet. You could try searching online, or try asking an experienced instructor/examiner. Some of them do keep them for things they don't fly regularly.

11th May 2013, 15:36
PM me with your email and can send you a copy of mine for the C150 (in mph), C152 (in Kts), Robin DR400, and about to do type up PA28 and Cirrus SR20.

Its not cheating.....actually pretty sensible, especially if flying several different aircraft. I run my ATIS/mini route plog next to it as really useful for a quick glance for rotate/final clean:final flap configs. ASI

11th May 2013, 15:51
For goodness sake man, all you need are these:

Google Image Result for http://www.gtdtimes.com/files/2008/12/100_02801.jpg (http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://www.gtdtimes.com/files/2008/12/100_02801.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.gtdtimes.com/2008/04/28/a-simple-index-card-gtd-system/&h=900&w=1200&sz=327&tbnid=NzzcxKVo2gCVkM:&tbnh=92&tbnw=123&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dindex%2Bcards%26tbm%3Disch%26tbo%3Du&zoom=1&q=index+cards&usg=__Dx-lQed1JPl5SG4uIjAFwVeuu3Q=&docid=KORNS1wKFWwtyM&sa=X&ei=VGiOUbm7IouT0AXi14G4CQ&ved=0CG0Q9QEwAQ&dur=3074)


Dave Gittins
13th May 2013, 12:45
Years ago I just used MS Excel to make a simple sheet with stuff like a PLOG (loosely based on the pads that they used to sell at LAC) and particular frequencies for wherever I am going to fly. Few empty boxes to put ATIS info, eng start / stop T/O / Land times, Hobbs, Datcon Fuel before T/O, after landing etc. and they can easily be amended every time I fly.

Easy to put a few V Speeds down the side and after a while of saving each new one, you'll have a library for different aeroplanes and different routes.

15th May 2013, 07:40
Whats wrong with a knee pad?

Dave Gittins
15th May 2013, 12:57
Nothing .. you can either stick a blank piece of paper on it (like plenty do) or have a pre formatted bit like others have suggested.

Or if you can't make your own you can buy them.

Transair VFR A5 Flight Pad (http://www.transair.co.uk/sp+Transair-VFR-A5-Flight-Pad+9904)

and to be even handed

Pooleys A5 VFR Flight Log - Detailed item view - Leading Flight Equipment, Pilot Supplies, Aircraft Equipment, Aviation Headsets (http://www.proviationshop.co.uk/shop/article_NLP010/Pooleys-A5-VFR-Flight-Log.html?sessid=zKl7B4qyCk8cuffBVg3U0NTmU1MH9HffL0v6rEMq50Mr NkNX25rmlBusVrX7nc4x&shop_param=cid%3D1%26aid%3DNLP010%26)