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View Full Version : pilots and emails

7th May 2013, 09:28
Hello all,

Does anybody know if pilots for commercial airlines actually have an email address with the airlines name in it? Have been told they do not need this but I find that hard to believe. If somebody knows the answer I would be most grateful.

7th May 2013, 13:30
Dating a pilot who claims he doesn't have an email from his airlineThe start of a long relationship based on mutual trust, evidently ...

7th May 2013, 13:34
Oh dear. . . . I can see where this is going . . . :hmm:

7th May 2013, 13:41
<<Quatar Airlines>>

If you spell it like that he'll never get it!

7th May 2013, 14:03
Dating a pilot who claims he doesn't have an email from his airline - flies for Quatar Airlines
Yes, and he's probably reading this right now............................

7th May 2013, 14:27
Does anybody know if pilots for commercial airlines actually have an email address with the airlines name in it? Yep we have @airlinename.com thanks to the wonders of aviation technology we need listed and known email addresses for password recovery etc, in order to access company web portals.

But we might be unique :)

LGW Vulture
7th May 2013, 15:00
This'll have plenty of mileage in it. Where's the popcorn smilie......? However, it should have gone into the Middle East forum for that bit more Ooomph! :D

7th May 2013, 20:23
No i don't trust him. Hence i put the question up. He provided me with a hotmail address and claimed he used that for correspondence.
Can you blame me for being suspicious?

7th May 2013, 21:58
wrong airline - similar to that one.

8th May 2013, 05:52
Depends I guess. In my current outfit pilots are required to have a personal email account that the company can use for communication, but they will not get a company email address, those are only available for office workers. In my previous company every employee had a company address, but since it was under constant supervision by the company most of us used it only for internal mails, for private stuff we all had other email addresses.

8th May 2013, 09:22
Answering from a non-airline perspective (but I guess the principles are the same) I have a work email address but I only use that for work emails, I have a personal email (my own domain name) for personal stuff (bank, wife etc) and a hotmail one for my girlfriends...

8th May 2013, 12:34
Exactly, it does make more sense to use a private email for personal correspondence. We will see in due course if he is who he claims to be. I do want to trust him but other things have raised my concerns as well.
Thank you for your input anyway, appreciate it :)

8th May 2013, 20:13
Are you really 52? If so you should be wise to the world by now surely?

9th May 2013, 05:31
MCDU2 - by not knowing how the pilot world works does that mean I am not world wise? Denti confirmed that there are some airlines that do not provide their pilots with an airline email.
I did not know that.

I am dating a man that is abroad more then he is here. His schedule changes as and when. I do not know if this is common in aviation. I do not know any other pilots so have no one to ask, hence i found this site to put my questions and get more wise on the subject :)

9th May 2013, 13:35
You should also consider the airlines email policy, in my case i have never used my company email for personal correspondence primarily as the airline has the right to monitor each email, things that you may consider "cute" may be extremely offensive to IT security.

9th May 2013, 15:17
MUTT - i cant totally anticipate that. I would never abuse a professional email since i work myself. He has my professional email as proof of workplace and point of contact to get hold of me in case of emergency should telephone contact fail.

Our emails are under scrutiny as well :)

High Energy
9th May 2013, 16:27
Out of the three airlines I worked for only the two Middle Eastern ones had the @airlinename.com address. Especially the IT side of things here are billiant. All correspondance via their given email address straight on the iPhone.

10th May 2013, 17:37
HIGH ENERGY - thank you :)