View Full Version : Mmmh! New curry for the crew meals!

3rd May 2013, 17:37
Can't wait to get my next lamb curry ex-HKG!

Rat meat sold as lamb in latest China food safety scandal; top court beefs up food safety laws (http://www.calgaryherald.com/health/Chinas+court+calls+tougher+punishments+violators+food+safety/8332432/story.html)

3rd May 2013, 17:56
Yummy! what's next?

3rd May 2013, 19:53
Chinese police have broken up a criminal ring accused of taking meat from rats and foxes and selling it as lamb in the country's latest food safety scandal.

I bet the rats and foxes are hungry then!

Steve the Pirate
4th May 2013, 00:00
From The Guardian, Friday 22 December 2000

Ten arrests, a dozen raids and half a million documents later, they had uncovered a national scandal of contaminated petfood repackaged for family dinner tables.

More than 1,300 tonnes of chicken and turkey were laundered in the scam exposed by the Rotherham team, netting at least £3m for bent executives in Britain's meat trade.

When the article says 'laundered' it means that it had had the green bits chopped off. I post this excerpt from the article merely for some sort of perspective, lest we all begin to think that this sort of thing could only happen in Asia.


4th May 2013, 00:41
I've had my share of long-eared chicken in "claypot chicken" dishes, but this stoops to a new low.
I'm very wary of eating anything Chinese that is buried in batter, minced, or can't be identified by the individual cuts.

I stopped buying canned Chinese vegetables for my stir-fries after all the Chinese canned water chestnuts I was purchasing showed signs of disease - but they were canned anyway.
The Chinese still have a long way to go, to convince us in the West that their food health standards, as regards food origins and safety in handling, meet Western standards.

Then again, there's plenty of food in the Western world that still falls well below expected and required standards. Who remembers the book, "Green Meat is for Takeaways"? :yuk:

4th May 2013, 01:57
Don't forget the groceries watered with waste water from the nearest industrial plant as there ain't enough potable water in many areas, which is reserved for the foods the farmers grow for their family's consumption.

ron burgandy
4th May 2013, 03:40
Kindergarten principal laces kids' yoghurt with rat poison (http://www.smh.com.au/world/kindergarten-principal-laces-kids-yoghurt-with-rat-poison-20130503-2iyhk.html)