View Full Version : Ryan i kalla fakta.

1st May 2013, 20:16
19:30 Söndag, 5 maj 2013 TV4:

Svenskt samhällsmagasin från 2013. Avsnitt 9 av 10. "Kalla fakta" granskar Ryan Air. Piloter larmar om osunda arbetsvillkor och om pressen att spara pengar, till och med på bränsle.

1st May 2013, 20:39
Jag hoppas att det blir riktigt smaskigt :E

1st May 2013, 21:03
I pray for the people to open their eyes, companies lake this don't succeed when consumers don't buy from them, it's the same in every business, like buying clothing from stores using child labor, or factories like the one that collapsed in Bangladesh, more then 400 people dead because we in the west want cheap, or companies want to be more profitable

G.S. Willy
2nd May 2013, 13:40
While most people in Scandinavia will agree that the working conditions in Ryanair are despicable, the sad truth is that when it comes to buying tickets these concerns are abandoned, and the cheapest ticket are bought.
Sad but true.

2nd May 2013, 16:28
Alicante-Haugesund, round trip, going on 11th June, back 29th June, 201 €.
There is nothing to see in Haugesund, you would like to go to Bergen, Voss, Flåm, so then you need Kystbussen to go to Bergen 65€ round trip, 3 hours trip for 140 km. for 100€ more you fly more comfortable and respected with other carriers straight to Bergen, for 100 bucks I don't change. I don't understand why people still uses "****yair", I used it 2 times, and 1 more my wife, we promised not to fly with them anymore, and of course, being a responsible customers not buying from slavers.
One more thing, this :mad:airline, gets millions in tax money from provinces and communities around Europe, just to fly to remote airports, and make those airports with a little of activity, like many ghost airports, monuments of corruption in Spain.
First, we are treated as costumers like idiots.
Second, they lower prices, on people's back, the workers suffer too much to keep the airline profitable, for who??, only for share holders.
Third, the government uses the money intended for social investment, to make a private company profitable.
As a consumer, tax payer, and generally speaking "citizen", I don't see the reason to buy a ticket from this bunch of pirates.

6th May 2013, 10:04
Kort avsnitt, känns som att dom fokuserade för mycket på just bränslebiten och tog enbart upp Valenciaincidenten? Personligen förväntade jag mig mer, vad har ni för åsikter om gårdagens program?

low n' slow
8th May 2013, 09:33
Tyckte de skulle grävt mer i frågan om de komunala avtalen med flygplatserna. Det är ju trots allt så att samtidigt som staten äger ett flygbolag som går på knäna, kanske mycket på grund av ryan air och liknande, så subventionerar andra falanger av samma stat det konkurrerande bolaget. I mina ögon är det som att sälja vapen till fiendeland, man får snart ett hål i huvudet.

Nu vet jag inte mycket om det ekonomiska flödet mellan stat och kommun, men det känns ändå som statlig ekonomi och kommunal ekonomi borde dra åt samma riktning.
