View Full Version : Can someone help me with this aeroelasticity problem?

26th Apr 2013, 08:47
I have to develop an approximate aeroelastic model for an unswept, tapered wing in order to get the lift coefficient in terms of the lift curve slope and the effective angle of attack. In order to get the effective angle of attack, it needs to consist of a rigid AoA and an elastic AoA. For this problem, There arent any motions associated with this wing other than bending and torsion. The problem I have however is the strip theory model. The way it has been taught in lectures is that it consists of the torsion angle cos(sweep) - bending slope sin(sweep). The lecturer has also given us the expression for principals of virtual displacement, which contains bending displacements as part of the stiffness matrix. However, since the wing is unswept, surely bending isnt part of the effective aoa, so I dunno whether I should neglect the bending in the main virtual displacement equation.

Chock Chucker
26th Apr 2013, 09:10
After reading this thread i now feel like my brain has an aerolasticity problem.

That type of feeling where your brain has been squeezed, stretched & crushed.

I think i need a few headache tablets & a lie down.

Chock chucker :ok:

28th Apr 2013, 08:05
Try the Tech Log forum for an answer, EZY. This section is more geared to maintenance than aerodynamics and design.