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14th Apr 2013, 22:08
Here is the link for the new MPL tagged scheme with easyjet:
easyJet Cadet Pilot Programme | Cadet Pilot Training | Become a easyJet pilot with CTC Wings | CTC Wings (http://www.ctcwings.com/easyjet)

So apparently you get the privilege of paying what seems to be more (someone please correct me if I am wrong) to have a guaranteed job as a flexicrew pilot for two years once you graduate.

I have always believed myself to be somewhat optimistic and a glass half full kinda guy, but I really don't see any advantage of this tagged scheme. Surely it would be better to go through CTC wings and take your chances at getting picked up by another partner airline and at the very least end up with a easyjet flexi crew contract.

Also it's quite convenient that this was launched the night before those awaiting their FPP results. Seems as if easyJet are planning on picking up those who just missed out on the FPP or am I creating a conspiracy out of something that was genuinely just a coincidence.

Thoughts anyone. On any actual benefits of this MPL not the conspiracy theory. ;)

14th Apr 2013, 23:28
It would seem that the benefits would be the guaranteed (?) position, as well as the bond repayment. It doesn't, at this stage, state how long a period this is repaid over.

Maybe it's just because it's late and my brain is shutting down, but it seems to have been explained a little fuzzily. It states that APL will sponsor and pay for all training and associated costs. It then states that you have an additional two payments "The first is due prior to you commencing flight training in New Zealand and totals NZ$33,900. The second is due prior to phase 4 of the training programme and totals £11,940.". So, at current exchange rates, just under £31,000 for these combined. This doesn't appear to be covered as part of the sponsorship.

It states that you'll receive a "cadet entry salary" as well as repayment of the bond. Without knowing the figures of both the salary and the schedule of bond repayments (and whether the bond is repaid tax free) it's a little difficult to gauge. Who knows, could be a good deal? The information with which you could make an informed decision isn't there as of yet, but in the FAQ section it states "TBC" alongside each of the financial questions so perhaps it's coming. Looks on the face of it that the whole programme costs roughly £100k, of which £69k is ultimately repaid by Easyjet. Depending on the salary and how the bond's repaid, it could work out financially better than going through the "wings" course (assuming the bond is repaid tax free and the difference between the cadet salary and whatever you'd have otherwise have been paid on flexi isn't disadvantageous), but that's pure speculation on my part.

It does seem neatly timed with respect to the FPP day of reckoning. Pure coincidence, surely? ;)

15th Apr 2013, 00:06
This is something I came across today while researching the CTC easyJet MPL programme:

That isn't exactly about this programme but I'm sure they are offering the same contract to the eJ MPL Cadet students.

15th Apr 2013, 08:26
In regards to the Bond though, most of CTC's partner airlines do pay it back to you too once your employed (except for easyJet) considering you have gone through the wings programme. 1,250 hours after two years, I would have hoped to get more at the very least. Or is 1,250 over two years the norm and I'm living on another planet.
Considering this is a MPL you will have absolutely no choice but to stay with easyJet until you get your ATPL, which will be even longer considering you can only clock 1,250 in the first two years.

I suppose it is really to early to speculate on everything though, Pay and conditions could be great. For all we know it might be the best Flexi contract ever. :ok:

15th Apr 2013, 11:03
I am really concerned with the stated 1250 hours. Converting MPL to ATPL requires 1500 hrs. Where do you resume your career/ training if you're dropped at 1250 hours? and why are Easyjet stopping just short of 1500 hours?

15th Apr 2013, 14:37
I'm sorry but have you read the thread that I linked in my previous post?
Those are some T&Cs. Some awful T&Cs .

16th Apr 2013, 10:28
Just wanted to point out that it sates "On commencement of Line Operations you will be offered a 3 year renewable contract to fly as a First Officer for easyJet through CTC FlexiCrew. After 2 years and having flown 1,250 hours you will become eligible for full time employment with easyJet. "

The contract you get is a three year contract, and after 2 years and a minimum of 1250 hours flown you are eligible. So after the three years i would assume you would have nearer 2000 hours flown.

Also i found this webpage which gives a guide as to the remuneration package for this scheme (cadet pay scale):

Latest news - easyJet plc (http://corporate.easyjet.com/media/latest-news/news-year-2013/01-02-2013a-en.aspx?sc_lang=en)

This page also mentions the 1251 hour figure "Pilots will become eligible for permanent employment as First Officer once they have 1251 flying hours and two years’ service with easyJet."

Northern Monkey
16th Apr 2013, 11:28
Anyone considering this scheme should be aware that Flybe recently dropped all their MPL tagged cadets and as such these people (many of whom were half way through training) are now in a real pickle. An MPL is useless unless the sponsoring airline makes good on their promise of employment. If anything happens to the economy in the meantime and easyjet decide they don't need you, you will be in the same position! Something to consider carefully before taking the plunge.

16th Apr 2013, 11:51
@Northern Monkey:

Where did you hear that from? I thought Flybe where still running their MPL scheme?

Northern Monkey
16th Apr 2013, 12:34
There's a separate thread running in this section on the flybe MPL. There is also a thread running on the BALPA forum, started by some of the students affected. They are obviously very concerned as they have been ditched half way through the course.

What it comes down to is that Flybe are making almost 100 pilots redundant and by law, they cannot simultaneously begin hiring new people.

Of course, this is the risk you take when undertaking any form of tagged training. The problem here is that the MPL leaves you with a useless licence, unable to apply to any other airline..

16th Apr 2013, 12:50
@ Northern Monkey:

Are you able to provide the link to the BALPA forum discussing this?

16th Apr 2013, 13:06
Although in fairness you will less likely be dropped by easyJet, but at the end of the day they like any other airline are still susceptible to the economy.

I agree with Northern Monkey if you are dropped you are seriously screwed, because it's not the type of license or training that is easily transferable. They train you to work in an easyJet Multi crew operation, which could be very different to that of Qatar or Monarch for example. At least with the FPP if anyone gets dropped they could easily transfer to other airlines.

@PilotTyson - perhaps easyJet are just stopping short of 1500 to ensure you have no choice but to sign on for another 3 years. So you are guaranteed to work with them for at least 5 years if they want you.

Still to early to speculate though as not all the information has been given online.

Northern Monkey
16th Apr 2013, 13:19
If you're a member of BALPA you can log in to the website at BALPA | British Airline Pilots Association | UK (http://www.balpa.org) and follow the link to forums. It is only accessible to members.

Northern Monkey
16th Apr 2013, 13:24
Ecam S

For the MPL scheme run through OAA, the deal was that IF the tagged airline couldn't take you, then they would get the student up to fATPL level at no extra cost

If that is the case, it is undoubtedly better. It would be sensible if that was a prerequisite for signing up to any MPL course.

16th Apr 2013, 14:28
I applied, but have gotten no email for Application No. or Password. Should I have gotten it , do I have to wait or should I email CTC.

16th Apr 2013, 14:36
You should have received an email with the details.

17th Apr 2013, 08:26
I asked when the first announcement would be, no response yet. I am assuming a week of so after the 30th April.

17th Apr 2013, 11:33
Am I correct in thinking any successful applicants would still be required to find a significant sum of money themselves (circa £20k+)?

If so, I don't see how this gives those who otherwise couldn't afford it the opportunity. £20,000 might as well be £100,000 if you haven't got a property to secure it against.

I still welcome the rise of these cadet schemes. They are clearly great opportunities for those select few who are good enough.

17th Apr 2013, 13:39
Unfortunately, for most of the current schemes, good enough = able to pay.

17th Apr 2013, 15:30
Then I don't really see how it's a sponsored scheme in the true sense of the word. If they want to really remove the financial barrier and ensure the only variable is applicant ability, then they should create a system which provides the funds to those who cannot otherwise find £100k lying around.

17th Apr 2013, 15:41
From how i've read it its not £100k. It is in the strictest sense of the word, but just like the BA programme (as i understand it), you take out a security bond of £69k with CTC in this case, which, upon employment with eJ is repaid in installments by the airline; installments paid on top of your base salary.

17th Apr 2013, 16:01
Andre, it looks a lot like there's another £30k or so on top of the £69k, which doesn't appear to get paid back. Roughly £18,500 of that is what they normally call their "foundation course". The remaining £11,940 is for "phase 4" (this isn't in the "wings" course). These two payments over and above the 69k bond are listed as "MPL Payments". It seems that the EJ MPL costs £11,940 more than the Wings ATPL. Either way, you're still footing £30,000 of the costs.

Did CTC not used to charge an optional £10k to guarantee a job, or have I just made that up? Somewhere did anyway. If so, this seems to be basically the same deal.

17th Apr 2013, 16:23
CTC have never guaranteed a job and I don't believe they have charged people for it above and beyond the course. In my opinion they (at least used to) heavily imply that a job was assured. Perhaps that was good old confirmation bias though.;)

18th Apr 2013, 10:01
This course is pretty much the same as most integrated courses. The only real difference is that you are more likely to get a job at the end of it. You won't be much better off financially than those who take the leap off their own back and - by luck - land a job.

18th Apr 2013, 16:28
It always used to be that the bond gets paid back only when you have an EJ permanent contract. If you went from flexi to a European contract I believe you had to forfeit the bond, whether this is still the case I'm not sure.

29th Apr 2013, 13:07
About to book a slot for next week. Can anyone who has already been to the selection give some details of how the day went and it consisted of. (tests, details of the numerical tests, group activities, interviews etc) Will be a great help in preparing.

Kind Regards :ok:

29th Apr 2013, 16:44
I'm not fully aware of the tax code here in the UK but can any of the training fees become tax relief?

From my understanding EasyJet will repay the 69k bond protection alongside with the base salary. So theoretically if all works out smoothly, you're only having to pay between 20-30k then right?

Michael Scott
29th Apr 2013, 19:02
No guarantee of permanent contract. All you can bank on is three years Flexicrew - base your calculations on that only.

Also, Flexicrew = No bond repayment.

29th Apr 2013, 21:02
only 2 pilots had not been offered permanent jobs
Did they stay on flexicrew ? (= bond not repayed + stuck with MPL)

30th Apr 2013, 00:40
daveandg...It is good to be blunt but I did consider the fact that everyone is in competition however if you are bound to get through then you will get through no matter how much people help, it is all down to you and just to be yourself which no one can help you with. Was more just to confirm everything in my head though and may of gained extra tips I suppose.

Thanks for your response though buddy :ok:

30th Apr 2013, 12:39
You will easily get your ATPL within 3 years.
That would only require you flying 467 hours a year (1400 TT required + 100 sim)

easy average seems to be around 600 - 700 hours / year

30th Apr 2013, 13:51
Overall it's a great opportunity and a very good company to work for, but like everything, there will always be downsides and 'economical' moves.

It's a secure place to be and gives the opportunity to live in 6 different countries in Europe while on the whole being some of the best pilots.. (subject to contract..)

30th Apr 2013, 14:27
Good on you for having that attitude and good luck.

PM me if you want to now a bit more about life here.

30th Apr 2013, 14:34
I've applied recently and exceed by far the minimum requirements too. How long did it take any of you to get invited since you sent out the application?

30th Apr 2013, 15:20

.. and both. Ex-flexi crew so know a bit more about it than some.

30th Apr 2013, 15:26
Is there an airlines here in the philippines that does not require bachelor degree?

Thanks you very much sake skies!!

2nd May 2013, 16:37
MPL - god help us!
Probably the most dangerous method of getting into the right seat. FACT!
Why do you think they are being dropped.....because the MPL cadets don't have the basic muscle memory to fly the aircraft on a dark gusty night.

2nd May 2013, 17:45
Probably the most dangerous method of getting into the right seat. FACT!
You don't know what you are taking about. FACT!

2nd May 2013, 19:26
You clearly haven't flown a level d sim. There isn't a sim out there can reproduce real weather conditions. SOP's don't produce pilots boys....experience does.

I wish you luck!

2nd May 2013, 19:59
Don't know if this has been said yet but the Application window has been extended for the MPL programme:
easyJet Selection | CTC Wings (http://www.ctcwings.com/easyjet/selection#2)

Phase 1: Apply Now - We will close for applications at midday (British Summer Time) on Friday 10 May 2013

2nd May 2013, 20:24
Whilst I appreciate your position, I fear we disagree.

The MPL will see a candidate fly circa 70 hours in an actual aircraft which is about a third of that on the traditional cpl/ir; what's the argument with a student who flew solely in arizona/florida/texas, where fair weather flying can be commonplace for the entire period? Given that oxford undertake all their mpl flying in Oxford, and ctc all of theirs in NZ (similar climate), the 70hrs could be significantly more challenging than someone that's gone down the traditional route.

You obviously haven't flown around some of the Arizonan storms then....

The one thing the old style of course gives you is more solo time.. more time to make mistakes and work out a solution.. more time to think "oh bugger, what do I do now" and it is all down to you... something you won't get in all your future training until you become a skipper as the MPL is just that, Multi Pilot.
It makes a difference.

Sim time is great and the MPL cadets will see many more emergency scenarios during their initial training the are specific to that aircraft type, but those 'basic' skills driven in to you during the IR flying using steam driven instruments are something I'm entirely glad I gained.

Other than that, i'm so happy I had the little 'real' flying that I did. You'll spend the rest of your career strapped to a jet engined powered tube, only being allowed out for a toilet break now and again!

There are benefits and negatives of both ways, and they will both end with the same results and ultimately doing the same job and of course a tagged scheme is hugely beneficial in terms of security.

p.s It'll be fun to see how the MPL guys do when we change back to Boeing..

2nd May 2013, 22:49
Seeing emergencies is for the Type Rating and in my opinion, at that stage it is far too soon.
The 'traditional' training process built up the skill levels once the basic roots had grown properly. This MPL will give the candidate the false perception that they are a good pilot, only to then learn basic cross wind, turbulent techniques - amongst other aspects - with pax in the back. I am only going on the burst tyres and every growing numbers of line pilots moaning about skill levels and more for noting, attitudes from the sausage factory newbies.

3rd May 2013, 07:25
Based on speaking to guys who have flown both, I don't think it's that difficult to move between them.

3rd May 2013, 10:42
My fear is going from Boeing to Airbus.....and I can do nothing about it. What a piece of :*!

3rd May 2013, 13:46
I'm darn sure he's one who's failing in landing a job and is blaming cadets now.

Just my 2 cents.

3rd May 2013, 14:27
Everyone is allowed their opinion, you should listen to it and take it on board.

3rd May 2013, 16:58
I am not going to bite, but from someone who has been about for a number of years and on a number of types, I urge you to think twice before calling yourself anything other than an experiment.
Airlines are not taking on many MPL’s, because they know that you will be a massive training risk.
I am a huge fan of the instructor route and cutting your teeth on a turboprop, although currently even this is turning stale. At least the zero-to-hero route still had the same single pilot multi IR. If you can focus and perform for two and a half hours, blocking out the costs of failure for long enough to pass, well quite frankly, if you haven't been there, you just can't drink in the same bar as those who have - Period!!!

3rd May 2013, 17:50
Airlines are not taking on many MPL’s, because they know that you will be a massive training risk.
Where do you get these ideas from? MPL cadets are not expected to be a "training risk" at all. The selected candidates are all monitored throughout their courses and only move on to the advanced training with the partner airline when they (as they are expected to) achieve the demonstrated standards required. This is also the case with the more traditional integrated training courses leading to partner airline placement.

3rd May 2013, 18:23
Realistically it all comes down to the individual cadet, his skills in both flying and CRM / leadership / teamwork etc.

You can have a MPL cadet who is very good in that respect and a Integrated who really struggles and some of the stories you here from the line are just shocking. I'll expand that though and say it isn't just 'newbies' and some single engine instructors who moved over also get themselves little reputations.

My overall point is that you will get good / medium / bad? pilots from ALL walks (and works) of life and it is quite up to the individual to form their own skill (both technical and personal) base.

At the end of the day, the instructing /turbo prop route doesn't exist anymore.

This tagged scheme is a very good opportunity (regardless of what you think of the training) to get into a very good, secure European airline who is slowly trying to get away from the LoCo image (and with a load more benefits than some competitors whom many int. guys fly for....) and after 1500 hours you'll all have the same licence anyway with a nice lot of jet time on your name.

The risk? Well, the biggest one I see is being let go between line training and ATPL. It HAS happened before BUT it is a gamble.
But you could argue it is a significantly LOWER gamble than a non-tagged integrated course which costs even more money, where many many of my friends and colleagues never achieved jobs at the end.
They;re now left with significant debt and trying to find work elsewhere, with most giving up on the dream and letting their licenses expire.

Good luck to you all and don't get bogged down by the 'experienced pilots perception' - it realistically won't matter a jot to you as you will be in the RHS, you'll unfreeze your licence, you might move on elsewhere and one day you'll probably be a commander and then it will all seem very insignificant as realistically whether you join the airline with 140 hours or 70 hours, you know next to nothing anyway!!!

3rd May 2013, 19:00
if you haven't been there, you just can't drink in the same bar as those who have - Period!!!
Once again, you don't know what you are talking about.-Period!!

5th May 2013, 15:16
Don't forget the OAA MPL scheme is also open for applications.

5th May 2013, 16:29
It's just a shame that this scheme, and so many others, lacks a financial guarantee. The one thing Easyjet and other airlines who run tagged schemes could do that would make them immeasurably more appealing wouldn't cost them a penny. All they'd have to do is be prepared to guarantee a loan for a successful candidate, like BA do. The finances add up (just about) but without security banks won't look at you. The chances of getting a job after training and being able to meet the loan repayments are high (very high), but I/my parents are not prepared to bet a house on it. If they have confidence in their own schemes, which you hope they do, Easyjet shouldn't even see it as that much of a risk.

5th May 2013, 17:38
Don't forget the OAA MPL scheme is also open for applications.
Taking on 12 more cadets than CTC. Bigger chance of getting through, plus it costs less.

5th May 2013, 17:46
Unfortunately you can't apply for the Oxford Easyjet MPL if you have more than 85hrs flying experience. :ugh:

5th May 2013, 18:06
Bigger chance of getting through, plus it costs less.

Also, through OAA you will end up with Parc aviation as a contractor rather than the CTC equivalent, and unless the contracts changed, those on Parc contracts were far better off financially every month due to not being on a fixed monthly payment (1200 for the first 8 months?) and also they gained higher / hour payments than CTC and standby rates.

This was traditionally due to the fact Parc guys paid more for the rating up front than CTC cadets.

Whilst not your biggest concern now, it will make a fair bit of difference to life once on the line.

5th May 2013, 19:19
get the 69,000 bond back when permanently employed

That's if you get permanently employed. But yeah, true. The chance is there, it's better than getting nothing back. In the short run CTC is more expensive.

5th May 2013, 19:31
Almost everyone gets permanently employed if they don't choose to go elsewhere.
Only a few (5?) bad eggs have been filtered out.

I'm not sure of the details of the bond though, are you suggesting that if you get a permanent employment, easyJet pays off the rest of your bond?

I know, for example, a Parc cadet on the traditional route would pay 30k for the rating but a CTC was around 15k (i think..).
This seems great but a CTC cadet will then earn £1200 / month for the first 8 months and something like £45 / hour thereafter.

A Parc cadets earns £50 / hour (55 after 500, 70 after 1500) plus other payments for positing and standby from day 1, leaving them in a day to day much more secure financial position, especially when you consider a CTC cadet would need to pay off their loan repayments with that money.

Effectively, and I may be wrong, I would suggest that both routes are very equally priced but the way you pay for it (which may not seem so important now, but very much will later) are different.

5th May 2013, 22:00
From what I have heard easyJet will pay back the 69,000 at a rate of 1,000 per a month once/if the cadet is permanently employed. I must admit I am surprised to hear that there can be such a big difference in the salaries. I assume easyjet have worked this out pretty well and there won't be much difference in the end of what the cadet pays or gets paid. Although Ecam as an easyJet employee you are in a much better position to speculate on what cadets may get paid than I am.

Nope, easyJet deduct £813 per month from your salary. They then pay that back to you tax free as a training bond payment. Nobody but the cadet will repay the loan, albeit with tax relief.

5th May 2013, 23:36
At the end of the day, regardless of how the payments are managed, YOU are paying for your training and no one else.
The only way CTC would be contributing to your training (by giving you a lower cost than say OAA would) is by giving you a lot less money / month when you're on the line.

£1200 vs £4000 on a average month for the first 8 months for example...
It all adds up.

CTC nor easy will be paying for people to learn to fly - crew costs are one of our biggest and there is a ongoing project to reduce them within the company and secondly, there are many many people at least of the same calibre as a MPL cadet who would pay for all of their own training, so why would they give it out for free?

6th May 2013, 09:29
I have the Day 1 skills assessment tomorrow at OAA for this scheme (nervous!).

I was wondering what the dress code is. I have done some research, and it seems that there's a mix of views between "dress casually" and "dress dapper".

I was thinking a suit with an open collar, how does that sound?

6th May 2013, 09:35
It's a job interview.. suit and tie.

6th May 2013, 11:59
It's a job interview.. suit and tie.

+1. If you go open collar I pretty much guarantee you'll be the only one doing so.

6th May 2013, 12:51
I applied to OAA scheme :ok: , Just wondering how long will I be waiting to find out whether I got an assessment or not ?

6th May 2013, 13:37
I applied to OAA scheme , Just wondering how long will I be waiting to find out whether I got an assessment or not ?
^ I found out the next day after I applied. If you get through, I would assume you'll know very soon as the Day 1 tests are only between Tuesday - Friday this week as far as I know

Also, I was wondering, for the Day 1 assessment, do I need to take in my logbook & proof of education etc? Or is that looked into in Day 2?

Thanks guys

6th May 2013, 13:55
Day 1 tests are only between Tuesday - Friday this week as far as I know
I've heard that there will be assessment days next week too.

6th May 2013, 14:18
Applications are still open so you can imagine that assessments will be on going, I wouldn't worry if you don't hear straight away.

I'd take all your documents with you on both days, just in case.

6th May 2013, 15:23
As I believe, regardless of what you think of these bond repayments, either scheme will see the cadet paying in full for the training but in different ways, i'd go with OAA/ Parc because of the flexi crew contract.

My personal experience from friends and colleagues were that Parc cadets were in a much more financially stable situation that CTC cadets, with some declaring themselves bankrupt in the last years due to low pay from CTC and high loan repayments.

I am also biased to OAA itself as a school and whilst they are without fault, I can only recommend the high quality training you'll receive there.

6th May 2013, 16:51
Where is the idea that CTC is cheaper than OAA coming from? From what I can see CTC will cost you £100k where as OAA £90k.... Or am I missing something here?

7th May 2013, 16:09
I have the CTC assessment day coming up and have read through this forum a lot over the past couple of weeks. Can anyone who has been on the assessment day or open day confirm whether the information regarding the following is correct:

1. £69k of the bond will be paid back by easyJet in monthly installments of £1000. These repayment coincide with the loan repayments that start after the initial payment holiday of 2 years (i'm assuming this payment holiday is similar to the BA scheme)

2. If this repayment structure is true then the 69k chunk of the loan will be paid off after about 6 (8 incl holiday) years.

3. My main question is whether your salary at the end of each the month is 1k (850ish if taxable benefit) lighter or whether they genuinly pay back the 69k. A lot of people are suggesting this but could anyone confirm it.

7th May 2013, 16:56
I would assume the holiday period covered the 18 months +- of training you're going to be doing, and so you would commence payment while you are flexicrew. The important question is how much you will earn as flexi crew for the two years before you are eligible for permanent employment.

7th May 2013, 18:48
I have applied to both CTC and Oxford. Haven't heard anything from CTC, I think I applied on the 28th or 29th April.

I have heard from Oxford though and have an assessment on Thursday. Panicking because I'm rubbish at mental maths and have forgotten a lot of GCSE physics. Just been out and bought some GCSE revision guides...

15206 how did your CTC day go?

7th May 2013, 21:06
Ecam, mind me asking where you're based and how easy it is to get a base of your choosing? (Basel for example)

7th May 2013, 21:09
Hi Guys,

I have my assessment with CTC at Dibden on Monday (anyone else?) I was wondering on how people got there? It seems to be pretty far out and I'm flying down from Scotland so getting a bus from LHR to Southampton. But, I'm a bit stuck on how to get there after Southampton....did anyone else get there by public transport?

7th May 2013, 21:38
It's not overly far from Southampton Central train station, don't know about the bus station though. I doubt you could get there using public transport. It's probably worth forking out for a cab as you don't want the added stress of the journey.

Best of luck!

7th May 2013, 21:52
Ok thanks a lot :ok: ! I'll look into that way then.

7th May 2013, 22:49
In answer to James and any others asking, once on a permanent contract you will have the bond repaid to you, at the rate of £1000 a month. However as your salary is £1000 a month less than a direct entry salary the only benefit you see is a slight advantage in your tax liability, which is nothing to be sniffed at, but still, it's not a repayment in the grand scheme of things.

Consider that £69000 gone, (it's paying for your training) and you won't be far wrong

WBV ( ex CTC cadet working for Ezy )

8th May 2013, 08:59
You'll have to get a taxi out to Dibden Manor. It's easy to find as you pass it on your way into the village. It ain't cheap though, will cost you the bones of 50 quid return.

8th May 2013, 09:59
WBV can you confirm what the situation was while you were flexicrew?

8th May 2013, 11:42
I was never flexicrew, didn't exist at the time. I did my 6 months at £1000 pounds a month from CTC ( now £1200 a month ) and the got a permanent contract. By the way that's how the cost of the type rating is covered, easyJet pay CTC a lot more that £ 1200 a month for you, the difference goes to CTC as profit and to offset any type rating costs not covered by what you pay.

Talking to the guys on it though at the moment there is no bond repayment from easyJet during that period on flexicrew, so you will just be getting your flexi pay by the hour.

However your loan repayment to the bank will start after your payment holiday during training, so you will need to cover that from your flexible pay until such time as you get a proper contract as a permanent employee. Bear in mind that repayments on your loan/bond tend to come to more than £1000 per month if you've taken a big loan.

8th May 2013, 11:50
EcamSurprise - thanks very much for all your input on this thread. I'm a bit concerned about the £1,200 per month figure for CTC Flexicrew. I might have misunderstood, but I thought that the loan repayments were around £1,000 per month - do you know if that is about right? If so, £200 for rent, travel, bills etc is quite frightening! How do people survive if they are based somewhere beyond commuting distance from parents?

On this link, the "Cadet Scheme" pay seems to be what they anticipate for Flexi, because there's a note to say that it depends on hours and "First Officer" looks to be the first permanent grade -

Latest news - easyJet plc (http://corporate.easyjet.com/media/latest-news/news-year-2013/01-02-2013a-en.aspx?sc_lang=en)

That suggests that they anticipate Flexi pilots will earn £40,000 to £50,000, depending on hours flown. £40,000 per annum is about £2,500 per month after tax. I realise that this is a total package, so actual cash to the pilot is likely to be somewhat less, but surely not half?!

Any guidance you can provide would be hugely appreciated! Thanks again!

8th May 2013, 14:03
Anyone know how the bases would be allocated and at what point in the process ?

If its not done until the training is complete are there any bases that are known to require first officers ? (ie on the non type rated thread it seems to be that most new captains are sent to gatwick, so is Gatwick a base with lots of cadets too?)

I'd be perfectly happy with Luton, Gatwick, Stansted or Southend. Other than that it starts to get difficult to pull up the roots.

8th May 2013, 16:48
Daveandg, you've pretty much got it spot on. 1200 a month for the first 8 months, then £45 an hour after that on Flexi. For the others sounding confused, yes there will be a few months where you'll be paid £1200 and have a loan repayment of anything up to £1000. Not much spare change to live eh? Most cadets seem to live at home or borrow off parents to pay the bills.

The figure Richard gave of £40000 a year is fairly accurate for the package as a whole. However that is pre tax, so monthly take home realistically is just over £2000 a month. So a grand in your hand per month after your loan repayment. That's quite realistic.

8th May 2013, 18:12
Am I missing something here or is, in some respects, the OAA programme with Parc contract at the end a better deal?

I mean if one works on the assumption that the candidate has taken out a loan of similar size for both and has a repayments that are similar monthly rates the Parc contract, before the bond repayments kick in after two years for the CTC one, seems better initially.

There doesn't seem to be much CTC info on their website and I'm somewhat struggling to understand the detail here!

future captain
8th May 2013, 19:05
Was that not the case in the good old days of a 69k bond. Now the total cost is 100k you would just join as Flexi and begin on the per hour rate? The old way the 1200 training salary ensure the type rating was sorted? Or not?

8th May 2013, 22:58
Hi all

I have recently made it through to day 2 assessment for this scheme. Any pointers on the best way to prepare for the interviews both group and individual?

Thanks in advance and sorry if this thread already exists!

9th May 2013, 00:22
Hello there buddy.

Congratulations on getting to the interview stage. I wish you all the very best of luck. Im waiting for my ctc phase 2. Just applied to OAA aswell and got through to selection stage. I it possible to give me run through of what the day was about. I am aware of it but it will he,p me further more with my prep expecially with a source who has been through it.

Much appreciated.

9th May 2013, 08:28
To all of you applying for the easyJet scheme I feel you'd be well advised to read this thread (http://www.pprune.org/terms-endearment/490643-easyjet-recruitment.html) on the company. I'm not going to get into whether the information is right or wrong (frankly, I do not know) but it's an eye opener nonetheless and one which has made me seriously consider my application to the scheme.

Do any of the EZY guys who've posted on this thread know the latest situation (bearing in mind the linked thread is nine months or so old)?

9th May 2013, 12:10
Naturals, a lot of information has been posted here already.
Just read the thread..

I've actually read the thread start to finish three or four times already. I understand the financial arrangements (at least, I understand those which easyJet have announced, I believe some details remain TBC).

To me the big sticking points with the flexi are:

The location seems to be up in the air and decided by EZY. Great for the younger guys and girls and who might actually like the uncertainty and chance to live overseas but for those of us with families this is a big deal. For those with EZY, how much say to you get in your home base? If you don't get your first choice how long does it take to get somewhere nearer to family?
The flexi contract is three years which equates to £36k of the bond paid back out of salary. Effectively the other 2/3rds is at risk if they don't offer you permanent employment / extend the flexi with similar terms. The scare stories of relocation with a pay cut mentioned on the other thread make this really risky in my mind.

9th May 2013, 15:22
If you're fussy about where you want to be based then perhaps the course isn't for you. With any of the CTC partner airlines you can get based anywhere and you take what you're given. For easyjet specifically it is much the same. You can stay flexicrew and not leave the UK or you can wait until you are eligible for a UK contract. You are not forced to work abroad. Barring BA (London) you will not get to choose where you work.

After 3 years your experience will hopefully be a commodity that can take you elsewhere. If you are not offered perm employment you can go and work for someone elsewhere. There will be little difference in salary if you choose your new employer well. The bond gets repaid, this is correct, but you are on a reduced salary in the mean time which means you are effectively on the same salary as someone on a full contract with no outstanding bond, only difference is you are not liable for tax on £12k of your annual salary. You could both take home £36k before tax so leaving for another airline on a full contract with a £36k salary will not really leave you that worse off.

9th May 2013, 16:05
Got my assessment for OAA :) My CTC app is being processed too so might get lucky and get offered two assessments !

OAA anyone kindly tell me what to study wise for the assessment ? My maths and physics are rusty ...

9th May 2013, 16:09
OAA anyone kindly tell me what to study wise for the assessment ?


Have a look at the BAA FPP thread and the more general OAA one. There's loads of advice on there. Also have a look on the OAA official forums - one of the guys working for OAA have written quite a good guide on what to expect on the day. I found the thread on the OAA page most informative.

9th May 2013, 20:28
OAA guys - how long did it take after Day 1 to be given the yes/no?

10th May 2013, 17:38
OAA anyone kindly tell me what to study wise for the assessment ?

I found a good way of preparing myself for airline assessments at FTOs such as OAA or CTC was to use this website;

PAT | PilotAptitudeTest.com - Practise for COMPASS Tests and PILAPT Tests (http://pilotaptitudetest.com)

It had plenty of sample questions in both maths & physics, which were along the same lines as the questions experienced in assessment. It also has hand/eye coordination and other simulator style apps included.

Having taken the assessment for OAA, i found that having used this site it benefited me greatly in my preparation and I went into the assessment feeling more confident in my ability to be successful.

As Naturals says, using the OAA forum also gives some good advice on what can be expected on the day. while having the information on what to expect is greatly beneficial, it is even more beneficial to have practical experience of sample assessments.

If you fail to prepare, be prepared to fail.

30th May 2013, 23:48
Same here mate, congrats all round!

Were the financial details ever confirmed to us regarding repayments and salary?

After 18 months with CTC is our pay packet starting from £40k plus bond repayments, or inclusive, or do I fact repayments not start until the below happens?

After the two years/1251 hours, do bond repayments kick in and we hit the base FO pay of £54k once again plus repayments, or inclusive?

31st May 2013, 00:18

Well done to both of you, it's good to know what with all that investment there is a job at the end of it, well done.

31st May 2013, 06:32
Well done guys...:D

Can I encourage you to continue posting on PPRuNe?

There is so much rubbish purveyed on this forum, it would be nice to hear from more people who have actually done/doing an airline mentored MPL course.

31st May 2013, 13:13
After speaking with CTC and EZY, although very genuine and supportive, there seems to be a lot of uncertainty over the details which i'd like to be cleared up before committing myself and family so greatly (as im sure as are others).

What i do know is that for the first two years on Flexi, our daily rate (assuming 750 hours per annum) equates to around £30k per year. I assume we pay our loan out of this ourselves(given our 2 year repayment holiday has ended during training).

After this point i am in the dark. Do we go onto the quoted £54k starting FO salary + bond repayments, or is that inclusive of bond repayments?

Also, to whom does the quote £40k Cadet salary at EZY apply, as neither were sure what this figure related to?

If there are any previous MPL or CTC students out there, your experience would be very helpful.

Quantity Surveyor
31st May 2013, 14:53
Andre, If you start in September then you would only need £5300 before the course when you sign the contract. Then another £5300 a month before we start the course. You do not need the rest of the money till February 2014 as it's from here you begin paying monthly installments of £5300 + the £18,200 for the New Zealand phase this means you would not need to get the loan through till around January 2014. With a 2 year holiday period that would mean we would not need to begin paying back the loan till January-February 2016, at which point we would have been flying for easyJet since March-April 2015 so effectively 10 months or so. The first 8 months from what I understand we are on £1200 a month, but considering we won't have repayments it's not too bad. After this I believe we then start getting paid by the hour to the tune of £45 + stand bys of £180 a day which would equate to a lot more than £30k a year. We are on this for 3 years from the moment we leave CTC, however we are able to switch on to a full time contract after 2 years, which is where we start getting our bond paid back (whether our salaries on the full time are £12k less, I don't know).

If I have made any mistakes feel (anyone) feel free to correct me, this is how I understand it. I'm on CP112 and have also been lucky enough to have landed a place on this scheme.

31st May 2013, 15:35
Congratulations chaps.

I applied for this (although unsuccessful) but was told the only exact terms of the MPL were that you would be offered a 3 year deal on flexicrew after completing type rating and line training. You are only "eligible to apply" for a permanent contract at easyJet after 1250 flexicrew hours.

I guess worst case scenario would be completing 3 years on flexicrew and then not getting offered a permanent contract, by which time you would have done 1500 hours anyway so would have an ATPL.

1st Jun 2013, 15:07
Congrats to those who have been accepted.

Luckily for me I'm starting on the July course! Can't believe it's all starting so soon.

Wish everyone all the best! Anyone else on the July start date get in contact!

5th Jun 2013, 19:30
Great news - we are recruiting to fill more places on the CTC-easyJet MPL Cadet programme. If you think you missed out, then your luck is in! This limited opportunity will be open until Friday 14th June - don't delay, apply today! How long is the training course? | CTC Wings (http://www.ctcwings.com/easyJet)

on ctc facebook page

btw: can you apply to more than just one programme? i already got invited to the 2nd stage with the qatar wings programme, but i would rather try it with the easyjet programme. any ideas?

5th Jun 2013, 23:53
I'm confused, I applied in April but was rejected at phase 1. Does this mean that I can apply again?? :confused:

7th Jun 2013, 09:43
Anyone knows if the new loan arrangements with BALPA are offered to cadets of this year?

Quantity Surveyor
7th Jun 2013, 15:40
We've been offered the old contracts. On calling BALPA I was informed that this new contract had not been completely finalised yet or something along those lines and would be offered to people in the future.

7th Jun 2013, 16:14
Great news - we are recruiting to fill more places on the CTC-easyJet MPL Cadet programme. If you think you missed out, then your luck is in! This limited opportunity will be open until Friday 14th June - don't delay, apply today!| CTC Wings

I wonder if they even bothered to call back applicants who failed stage 3. Of course not, it wouldn't bring in any money.

7th Jun 2013, 16:35
I have to say I take a rather dim view of CTC on this...

I emailed them stating that I applied but was rejected at phase 1 (no idea why btw - they must have not liked what I wrote...) still waiting for a response after 2 days...

Anyway I suspect the answer will be a no.

On a slightly different point though why not just let people who failed at stage 3/4 retry? Who is going to apply now that didn't apply in the original window...which they had already extended once back in May!

7th Jun 2013, 18:11
I decided to apply when this programme reopened, I didn't apply in April due to work commitments that I knew meant I wouldn't be able to make the selection dates.

With the reopening of the programme however I thought I might be able to attend the second set of selection, so applied last night. My application was screened (including my earliest start date at the end of the year) and I was accepted to stage 2 today but my heart sank when the email also told me I would have to start training by Sep.

I have emailed CTC back to withdraw from the remainder of the selection process as I am unable to start in Sep due to work commitments and have received a positive response from them.

I have to say I concur with 15206, dealing with CTC has been a positive experience for me in this and other selection processes. It wouldn't surprise me however that there could be delays due to the amount of traffic Dibden is processing at the moment for easyJet, Qatar and all those that are joining their generic Wings program as a result (as well as the unsuccessful BAFPP candidates).

Good luck to everyone else in the selection process!

7th Jun 2013, 19:32
Good to know you guys have had a different experience. I had emailed them a while ago about something and it took them four days to respond. More recently I sent them questions about easy and Qatar and still nothing...I'm only going on that...

Perhaps I'm just annoyed about the easy scheme because on reflection I did not write what I should have on the app form...

8th Jun 2013, 08:55
@quantity surveyor:

I have also got a place on the course starting in July. On reading through the material we have been sent, we have not been sent the flexi crew contract to sign as of yet just the two for the training at ctc and an information booklet on the old version of the flexi crew contract on what we can 'expect' but not for the advanced stages of our training. I would expect that once the contract is finalized with balpa we should expect to be given the new contract with the new 12 month cap for flying with an external agency surely??

8th Jun 2013, 09:08
ContactTower, you've got to be patient, they run a small but perfectly formed operation at CTC and will respond as soon as they can. Expect to wait a few weeks for that sort of query.

Quantity Surveyor
8th Jun 2013, 09:32
@ Swatson

Sorry yes, my mistake. I've only had a time to have a quick skim through everything, that would make sense.

8th Jun 2013, 09:35
Oh well I've been invited to the Qatar assessment day next week so I'll just ask my questions then...

8th Jun 2013, 14:17
I sent in my application yesterday. I will see if I get invited to the next stage. I have a few question about financing the whole thing. I would like some help with this, to get a good picture of it, so I can decide if I will take the "jump" if selected. As far as I understand until now is that you pay a security bond of 69000 Pounds. You pay the 69000 Pounds in 13 installments, so if all the installments are of the same amount I would have to pay around 5300 Pounds each time. In addition to that you pay 2x a MPL Training fee. One of about 17500 Pounds and the other one of 13440 Pounds. So everything together it will be just short of a 100000 Pounds. For me around 120000 Euros.

After training, you get a 3 years contract with CTC FlexiCrew, right? I read the thread and the first eight months your earn about 1200 Pounds. Which according to other people in this thread is doable. So if I can get the same loan "deal" as mentioned some posts before you will not have any repayments during that months. So a news item on the easyJet website says that the total reward package is 40K for full time cadet pilots. So can anyone give me an indication of what I will realistically earn monthly after those 8 months with CTC FlexiCrew? Can I pay my loan with that loan? Or will it be a struggle?

And then after two years and 1250 hours you can apply or switch to a permanent contract at easyJet. Which unless you perform quite badly (or so I read) will be given. So then you go to a first officer pay of about 54K (full time, total reward package). So what do you get monthly, anyone who can say me that? And in addition to that you will get your bond back in monthly installments? I read somewhere that the monthly installments are about 1000 Pounds, so it will take 69 Months (about 6 years). I don't know the UK tax system, but is that what you really back a 1000 each month or is way less?

Also on the BALPA website, their is news of a new easyjet contract. You can only be on CTC FlexiCrew for 12months and than join easyJet as a Second Officer at 38000 Pounds a year. What will that be realistically?

One of my main questions is, that I don't see any financing options on the CTC Wings website which I can use. They got the BBVA option, but I need a property in the UK or BNP Paribas, but both my parents are Dutch and not French. So I can't use that option either. Is there any other financing option, will CTC help me if selected with financing? Or is it up to me to come up with a loan/financing solution?

What starting dates have you been offered? I know for example that at the BAFPP it is sometimes August 2014 or something like that.

I'm sorry if some information has been mentioned at this thread before, but I just want to get a clear idea of what I could be signing up with. Do you think it is good "deal" overall? Because I was developing a back-up plan, join university study a bachelor and try again at BA FPP next year or some scheme like that. But if I am offered this scheme... What would you do in my situation? Take it or leave it?

8th Jun 2013, 18:17
I'm slightly new to looking at cadet schemes in detail but do these programs usually get extended, from what I've seen this particular one has been extend/reopened twice.

Any particular reasons for this? Such as cost and T/C's, along with being an MPL. I could be wrong but it doesn't seem right that. I only bring this up because no one else seems concerned about it and was curious.

10th Jun 2013, 09:11
Anyone who can maybe answer my questions? I would really appreciate it to get a clearer picture of the whole program. You can send me a PM if you prefer that.

11th Jun 2013, 08:47
So, I was lucky enough to get a place on the August course. I know there are a lot of varied opinions on this scheme (I'm sure they dont need to be discussed any further), but I have decided to 'go for it' and am very excited & optimitistic!

Anyone else on CP111 in August? Drop me a PM if so :)

11th Jun 2013, 20:03
Can anyone please confirm that the starting salary for this programme is roughly £15,000 for the first year and that easyjet can swing the axe and fire you at any given moment ?, Though it mightn't be all bad news if they pay you the £69,000 they promise in a lump sum, if such an event were to occur. I'm trying to decide on what route to go for & trying to see which has the least pitfalls !!

Also, I read that Easyjet can decide not to employ you at all, will that only happen if you fail to meet targets or can they just decide they dont need /want you ?

14th Jun 2013, 19:18
Received a reject today... better luck next time! I hope my luck will come when I am a little bit older, just turned 19 a few months ago). Not even invited to stage 2 (I have got the requirements, but maybe they also don't know how to check a Dutch high school certificate). To the people that are invited to the next stages: good luck!

Why do so many businesses write: "unfortunately, we're unable to offer any feedback"? You as an applicant don't know where to improve, I really hate it when businesses write that.

14th Jun 2013, 20:14
Too many people, would take forever to write a reason for every single person. Of course, a system could be developed which gives you basic feedbacks like, unfortunately your education, your workhistory, whatever doesnt fit into our expectations.

but in general, it's too time consuming.

14th Jun 2013, 21:04
"It is too time consuming".

I know it's time consuming, but it is so much friendlier to the aspiring pilot (or actually anyone looking for a job). I shouldn't be that hard, like make some checkboxes in your email program. So that you receive something like this:

"Unfortunately, we cannot progress you to our next stage for the xxx cadet scheme. You are not progressed because you failed in:

A list of checkboxes:
Education Experience
Aviation Experience
Employer History
General information
Verbal reasoning questions.

If you like you can try to improve mentioned items and we look forward to hear from you next time. Unfortunately, we are unable to go into more detail about why you were not progressed to the next stage".

Or when actually have done a pilapt or compass test, instead of the checkboxes include the results of the test. And then say the passmark for the xxx cadet scheme is a xx out of xx in every subject. So unfortunately you haven't passed.

I really think it is not that hard, I work with an email software suite at the office. Looking at it shouldn't be that hard to include this or even if you don't want to use those email program, you can make a standard email and copy/paste results in it.

14th Jun 2013, 22:10
and in a nick of time my application is in :ok:

14th Jun 2013, 23:20
they have more than enough applicants, so they don't have to worry about the ones who they believe do not meet their expectations.

It's a cold world.

15th Jun 2013, 13:08
I know the application window closed last night BUT just noticed it's still open and processing applicants today!!

Pushing my luck and threw in a quick application anyway. Lets hope they won't notice and I'll have the chance for stage 2 selection! :8 Haha

What do ya'll think?

15th Jun 2013, 19:47
How long does it take for them to reply whether you're invited to stage 2 or not, aproximately?

16th Jun 2013, 13:05
momo95, as someone else pointed out on the qatar thread, regardless of how they dress it up as a "bond", you don't get it back. You pay to play.

18th Jun 2013, 14:06
Anyone received an answer to the recent easyjet MPL?

18th Jun 2013, 15:32
I had a reply back for the Qatar Wings Stage 2 selection within a couple of days, but nothing for the ESY MPL :cool:

18th Jun 2013, 23:24
I also applied for Qatar programme , but no reply yet..

19th Jul 2013, 17:00
Having missed the first day at Luton due to clash with final exam at Uni, i attended yesterday and have been accepted. I should be starting in september on CP112. Beyond excited!

21st Jul 2013, 14:56
PlymouthFlyboy, I'm also in CP111 as part of the MON scheme. I'm also fairly local to you by the sounds of it, although over the border in Cornwall!