View Full Version : Overheard At The Ranch....

26th Apr 2002, 10:36
“Hey, Crown Abdoolah. Howya’ doin? How’s things over in South Arabica?”

“Mr President, I am very pleased and honoured to meet you”

“Sho’ thing, your Princeship. Welcome to ma’ ranch. We’re gonna have some beer an’ a pig roast, a real Texan welcome”

“Mr President, such things are not permitted by my faith”

“Gee, Abdooli, no wonder you guys have so many problems over there. Why here in Texas, we get a problem then hell, we just crack a few brews and wrestle in the dirt till we’re buddies agin. Then we go git thu’ robes ‘n pointy hats, put the chains on thu’ pick up an’ go do some a-hootin' an’ a-hollerin' an’ a-huntin'...”

“Mr President, I understand your ways but we have different laws and customs. I was sad to hear that your daughter had been discovered drinking illegally.......”

“Ain’t that thu truth, Abi. Some pinko journaliserist found out that ma’ lil gal had popped a coupla Lone Stars and don’ bin tellin’ folk about it. Hell, I’d sooner she got a bit inebrificated alcohol-wise than went and got stoned. Ah guess folks don’t get stoned in your country either, eh Sheik?”

“Mr President, let us talk of other matters. We are very concerned about events in that country you refer to as Israel”

“Hell, bubba, what they Israelites doin’ now? Ah jus’ sent ma’ good buddy Colon to give ‘em some good ol’ US help...”

“ Mr President. Their actions may have a grave effect on your interests in our part of the world. For too many years have the Jews been persecuting our brothers in Palestine......”

“What?? Gosh darn it - the Palistanis are our buddies! They’ve been helping us kick Saddam bin Laden’s tail over in Afgarnishtania. You sayin’ thuh Jewboys bin causin’ trouble over in Palestinia? We betta go kick some butt. Mebbe our good friends in Israelica can help us sort out these Jewboys for you?”

“Mr President, I thank you for your company. But I fear that there may be a gulf developing between our countries....”

“Well gosh darn it, your Princeship, ma pappy don’ bin tellin me about that - the Persian Gulf he called it. Anyway, y’all have a good day now an’ we’ll see ya agin some time”

high spirits
26th Apr 2002, 19:27
The Peasant of the Untied Status would never be able to pronounce Alf Garnet-stania, let alone spoll it.

Hagbard the Amateur
26th Apr 2002, 21:12
Don't misunderestimate our very own global village idiot.
I'm sure with a curved and angled truss of 14 HMI 2 Kw floodlights, both his hands (and maybe 2 or 3 others) and eight carefully positioned mirrors, he might, might just be able to find his own ars.........:D :D

Talking Radalt
26th Apr 2002, 21:23
Beagle, you missed one........

It's the "Parisian Gulf" surely?


WE Branch Fanatic
26th Apr 2002, 23:09
The parisian golf?

I saw Dubya on the TV earlier. His jacket had "George W Bush" and "President" written on them.

Bur everyone knows who he is. So the only explanation is that his wife writes it on his clothes so he doesn't forget who he is or what job he does.

Reheat On
29th Apr 2002, 20:32
BEag's - you doing some sort of distance learning degree in Theatre Studies? - this stuff should be copyrighted pdq before the big yin gets it for his next tour of the empire.

Brill :)

Mind you, one incoming B2 and no doubt the airways traffic would be halved while Swainwick tie their knickers up !

Anyone else notice in the last few weeks some very noisy 0330 fast / heavy traffic over the capital? Certainly some 'unlicenced' knight movements.