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Canadian Break
4th Apr 2013, 11:15
Thanks to the two 29 jets that overflew my house (55.4558, -1.6425) at about 1020 local this morning - feel free to come back at any time! CB:ok:.

Courtney Mil
4th Apr 2013, 11:57
Nice place you have there, CB!

4th Apr 2013, 12:49
Wow. Please tell me that's not one house. :ok:

Courtney Mil
4th Apr 2013, 13:04
No, use street level view. Very nice cottage, though.

4th Apr 2013, 13:10
You can watch the trains too?


Canadian Break
4th Apr 2013, 15:17
OAP - only when the steam engines come down the line!:ok:

Pure Pursuit
4th Apr 2013, 16:01
Triplex, they hung around your area for a while. Rampage were also in the vicinity.

4th Apr 2013, 16:36
Nice one CB! Cheers


Canadian Break
4th Apr 2013, 20:51
Bit more than a cottage Courters! Have to have somewhere for the pool!

Canadian Break
4th Apr 2013, 20:53
P2 - saw a couple of passes but the best was east-west in echelon port - right up the garden path so to speak. Next time I'll be sure to have the scorecards ready. Bring it on chaps! :ok:

Courtney Mil
5th Apr 2013, 14:43
Bit more than a cottage Courters! Have to have somewhere for the pool!

Yes, indeed, CB. Very nice too!