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29th Mar 2013, 14:25
Dear pilots,

A question about cockpit climate?

When I fly as a passenger I always need to take my contact lenses out as my eyes go bloodshot.

Also, while my fellow passengers sit around in short sleeves, I'm normally wearing a fleece and wrapped in a blanket.

When I start as an FO I can obviously take my contacts out and wear glasses. But can I wear a jacket or fleece in the flight deck? Or is it warmer than the cabin?

Sorry, I hope these Qs aren't too dumb?

29th Mar 2013, 14:38
Aircraft are very dry, and you'll notice that after 11 hours in the tube your skin really starts to try out sometimes.

In my aircraft, there a are three temperature zones.
Read cabin, forward cabin and cockpit.. so yes, the cockpit is usually how you like it (or the guy sitting next to you likes it).

Personally I always wear my jumper throughout the winter and am just in a short for the summer - it is amazing how the heat changes depending on if you're bogged down in cloud or up sitting in the sunshine.

(The cabin is often colder in certain spots too, sit next to a door and you'll always be a bit more chilly!)

29th Mar 2013, 14:53
As said bleed air has low moisture levels, hence dry eyes and the air con trim air system allows crew to select whateve temp they wish for the cabin zones including the flight deck

29th Mar 2013, 21:44
Thank EcamSurprise and spottilludrop. That is helpful and reassuring.

7th Apr 2013, 16:10
I just saw a video of ANA B777 and the pilots were wearing white gloves. Not because they were cold I imagine.

Why would they be wearing them?

7th Apr 2013, 21:07
To stop them getting their sticky finger prints all over the show

8th Apr 2013, 14:07
I had never drunken so much water in my life until I became an airline pilot. It is very easy to dry up so watch your fluid levels to avoid fatigue/headaches etc. To prove just how dry the aircraft is a wrapped sandwich taken out of its wrapper will curl up at the edges within minutes. Moral of the story is scoff said sandwich quickly.

As to dress sense in the cockpit....Your airline will have rules regarding uniform standards which will be in the Ops Manuals. Mine allows the wearing of a plain black jersey over your pilots shirt which many of us would take advantage of during the winter months. Thin thermal vests and suchlike can be lifesavers if you are operating to cold destinations.

8th Apr 2013, 22:09
Tizer, if you go to Japan you'll find train drivers, tram drivers and bus drivers all tend to wear white gloves. Why? I don't know.