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View Full Version : Jezza and The Navy..

Alloa Akbar
29th Mar 2013, 11:22
Another article from a man well known for his support of HM Forces..

Sunday Times Column (17 February 2013) - Hello, sailor. Show me what Britain is really made of : clarkson (http://www.reddit.com/r/clarkson/comments/194rck/sunday_times_column_17_february_2013_hello_sailor/?goback=%2Egde_44504_member_222965203)

Jezza for Defence Secretary anyone?? :ok:

Courtney Mil
29th Mar 2013, 11:38
I love it! So maybe we're not as rubbish as the press would have us think.

Perhaps better to have Jezza write RAF/RN/Army news instead. :ok:

29th Mar 2013, 12:09
A first class article IMHO. I don't generally have a lot of time for Mr Clarkson, but occasionally he comes out with a real pearled or two. Nice to read someting positive about any of our services these days, and, an article that makes you think about the value of national pride.

B Fraser
29th Mar 2013, 12:17
Nice one Alloa, Jezza for Foreign Secretary once Boris gets into number 10 ! Abra Qatabra would be home faster than his flipflops could carry him.