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19th Apr 2001, 17:17
I'm 17 years old and have my PPL(A) with a little over 100 hours. I'm currently working on my IMC and Night rating. In Sept I start doing A levels in Maths Physics and Chem. This should take two years I then plan to go for the ATPL. Should I
1. Forget A levels and go straight for ATPL.
2. Get a degree then go for ATPL
3. Do my A levels then go for ATPL.
In the mean time what flying training should I do. Am I too young to think about a FI course?

19th Apr 2001, 17:42
Get your alevels behind you for sure. Doing an ATPL ground school is similar to a degree level. Which in my opinion would be difficult without the A Level learning experience. It is also benificial to have a degree as well when applying to the airlines as its an extra level of intelligance that may just give you the edge on other applicants.

Good luck what ever you choose


flite idol
19th Apr 2001, 17:47
They must pay more for a paper round than when I was a lad.! Good luck, I wish I`d had your drive at 17.!

20th Apr 2001, 02:55

At your age, it has to be A-levels, then a degree, then ATPL.
I have done two out of the three (the latter is yet to come!).
Unfortunately, I found motorcycling as a career on leaving college and the flying went on the backburner for 12 years.
But here I am, only 15 hours into a PPL, class one medical and good results with GAPAN aptitude testing - and looking at a serious career change. Don't get me wrong, no-one will persuade me not to go ahead with the ATPL, but would I have been looking at motorcycling now if I had pursued the flying first? This website is full of mid-term career changers???

The morale of this tale: pace yourself, do the initial education work (including a degree if you can - coz that is bloody good fun in itself and great experience). If you do this, you will always have something to fall back on if you ever have a medical problem or some other unforseen problem.

You have so much time to enjoy all that lies ahead of you - enjoy every second of it!

The impression I have had so far is airlines like degrees. But what about the RAF? Someone once told me: "Get the hooligan out of you - spend some time flying for Liz. Then hit the airlines."
Did I listen? Do I regret? Maybe a little!
Oooooooh, if I had my time again.......

"I am going to enjoy this!"