View Full Version : Susi Air, a message from the Safety Manager

21st Mar 2013, 09:32

I do not understand why we do not follow the DGCA Regulation and our Company manuals. Are they only for other operators? Are we special? Do we have some special waver from God? I don't know. But, what I do know, is the Regulations are minimum standards. They are in-place to protect the General public that pay good money to be safely carried from point A to point B.

I find many of our flight and ground crews have taken up the Culture of Asia. "Any Rule can be broken" The young Pilots and Engineers have become so ingrained with the motto "Profit with no consideration for safety" that we WILL have another accident. Why we have not had one before now is unreal to me.

If you want examples; "We can't write in the Tech Log because it will ground the aircraft" "We must fly in IMC conditions because we could not operate this intense a schedule if we don't." "It's OK to exceed Duty and Flight limitations. If we didn't we could not support the flying schedule." "If we need to fly on the 7th day Duty, why not! And if we are given an extra $100 so much the better."

You guys are exposing yourself and your passengers to unnecessary risks. I hear everyone scream when they are not paid on time or are not paid what is due. How about showing the same intensity when asked to violate a Regulation or Rule. What you learn here will stay with you the rest of your flying career. The good and bad.

This is my last attempt to save someones life. On the 13th of March I leave and go back into retirement.

Please think Safety all the time,


16th Jun 2013, 08:23

Yes, even today, Susi will be marveled at on Metro TV. The ignorant masses watching in bahasa Indonesia will be told that she is a remarkable woman, bucking the odds, scratching an airline out of nothing, coming from dusty Pangandaran with the proverbial few rupiah in her purse and building a successful airline, earning the respect of businessmen - particularly tall white businessmen from the West! Wow, Go Susi Go! Thanks KickAndy and others for perpetuating the silly saga.

I like in one of her interview how SHE takes credit for picking the Cessna C208 as the ship of choice for ferrying fish heads to Jakarta!

The reality is far different. The plate-throwing "lady" who found her way from various men: restorateur, freezer expert to a Master in Aeronautical Engineering (U of KS) who smooth talks her Indo big shots (especially the ones approved by Washington like Surya Paloh and ironically, Prabowo) and sends her son "Hilman" to school in Naples FL from where he disturbs HIS neighbors with a Harley while she disturbs HERS with a Caravan or Avanti back home; now she is a complete fraud. So you can reasonably expect that the company is too.

Susi Air might have brought in management from the US and hired lots of smart young non-Indonesian pilots along with a few token non-Indonesian folks on the ground (even she can't hire a fully foreign company since her buddy, the Dir Jen Imigrasi would have egg on his face plus it would cost too much in bribes not to mention booked expenses!) but nothing will dispel the facts that one can read concerning the last 3 commercial crashes and who is responsible. Clearly there have been some near misses as well.

Let's not forget the Diamond Stars out of action which Susi claims in the same interview above to be part of the fleet. They were damaged before the charter license came through and then the DA-42 just died and went into mothballs. Nows there's an Arrow with US registration on the deck at Nusawiru. Totally illegal. Any comments Hilman or are you too busy flying into New Orleans, Sedona or San Diego with Ibu's cash in your pockets?


Little Red Chicken
28th Jun 2013, 02:15
You guys seem to have personal issues. Who cares where Ibu Susi decides to send her son, or whether he has money to spend or not? This is an aviation forum. If you want to talk about Susi Air, keep on topic and discuss only what is relevant. That means cold hard facts, not personal opinion.

14th Aug 2013, 02:46
all I can say is ouch ouch ouch, sounds very much like you know a lot about what happens in this place. Is this for real or a mudsling due what ever reason.

If its factual then the following needs an answer.
Is the DGCA a toothless tiger also paying lip service to all the conventions it has signed to allow this to take place, or are the DGCA agents all blind. Can we really accept that the DGCA, a responsible agency would allow such unsafe practice to continue.
Do they really allow such unsafe operations to continue.

Come on DGCA LETS HAVE AN answer here and put all these accusations to bed, we can get on with our lives then
How about a reply from some one at Susi! I know and see a lot of posts on here from young pilots wanting to join so I am sure they are all interested too

28th Aug 2013, 02:51
Personal issues are part of any detective work into the operations of a company. Since safety is the issue, it makes sense we think, to look not only where money is being squirreled off to on the Susi money tree but also who the critters are: most specifically, the names of the Indonesian corruptors with whom she hob-nobs. She flies many of them about for free; politicians, elite, friends. It is who they are, what they do and what the supra-national entities at play in Indonesia are expecting of these folks, which may tell us where Susi Air is headed next. It is largely out of the dragon lady's hands now but she serves as a useful figurehead because she is a female. These days it is SO P.C. to support a woman-owned business in a traditionally male oriented sector, located in solidly male-dominated culture. The media love it.

Besides, those of you noting equipment logs that need to be filled in dishonestly to avoid grounding aircraft ought to consider the potentially positive impact of moneys spent more wisely than say, sending her naughty son on an all-expenses paid holiday in the States!