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14th Mar 2013, 20:49
Hi guys,

Who hasrecently had the atpl exams studying from cats and using cats database?

How many questions was never seen before at exams?

I'm worried cause I ve just made the registration at aviation exams too and the differences between them are really marked andI found some errors in the second one I mentioned. Wich on do I have to consider the most?

Thanx a lot!

15th Mar 2013, 03:12
Books is the best.
On feb sitting I had about 10 new questions for all subj I took.
Use QB to test your knowledge. Why dont spend time on LEARNING stuff you will need for the rest of your life, instead of memorizing useless questions?

16th Mar 2013, 11:23

I generally agree with the sentiment of learning the subject rather than the exams, but this is EASA were talking about...

"Learning stuff you will need for the rest of your life"?

Such as what type of rubber is a de-ice boot made of?

Or grid navigation? That's been really useful to me, especially when programming the FMS's.

How about how many ghz (9.375?) a wx radar is? Always wondered that, especially when threading myself around wx near the equator.

To the OP, you simply won't pass these exams just by question banks.

16th Mar 2013, 11:32
In my opinion (so I don't get hammered by everyone), there's a balance between learning the ATPL theory and then exam prep.

Yes I'd learn (within a reasonable timeframe) as much as possible of the ATPL itself. However once I'm coming close to the exams, I'd move to the question bank to get an idea of the exam itself.

I wouldn't personally rely on just one technique, I'd incorporate the two.