View Full Version : Saudi Aramco First officer position FW

13th Mar 2013, 22:19
Do not get 'lured' by their " contractor " promise- I took the bait based upon the compensation promised and a one year contract and one month later was shown the door, after having resigned from a regional job in the US where I lived in base and only worked 12-14 days per month. The contract of one yr promised good money which is why I decided to go but they terminated it without any proper written notice after one month and 48 hrs later sent on plane back home . They have a very high turnover (for good reason) and some pretty wicked flying schedules unless you like waking up at three am and doing seven legs and fifteen min turns on some days. The contract is very loosely worded and vague and for good reason they are very nice on skype and phone when trying to get you there but one of their check airman is a real f..a.. backstabber. Recruiters usually also work to find people. Most contract pilots spend days off online applying elsewhere and a lot of them are not happy there.

I was shabbily treated; they will promise you 'full time ' in three months. The full time package is much better but process I am told actually takes nine months minimum (if you are made an offer which is no guarantee ). Not much to see or do in the compound . One of the Hawker guys quit on one of his scheduled days on and left in the early morning hours apparently and no showed. I was shocked at my stupidity to go there. ATP 6500 TT and regret it now. Do not let this happen to you.

Bottom line they reneged I have hired an attorney to sue for breach of contract and do not recommend going there unless desparate or out of work . Good luck.