View Full Version : Harold Demuren Nigerian CAA DG Sacked!

Phone Wind
12th Mar 2013, 07:23
The Director-General of the Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority, Dr. Harold Demuren has been removed. His removal was contained in a statement issued by the Secretary to the Government of the Federation, Senator Anyim Pius Anyim. The removal which was approved by President Goodluck Jonathan takes immediate effect.

It was revealed in the statement that Demuren was relieved of his post as a result of negative comments from stakeholders in the aviation industry. The statement which was signed by Sam Nwaobasi, the SGF’s Special Assistant on Media reads in part: “Dr. Goodluck Ebele Jonathan, GCFR, President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, has approved the removal of Dr. Harold Olusegun Demuren from Office as the Director General of the Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA) with effect from 12th March 2013.
This is consequent to a careful consideration of Dr. Demuren’s unsatisfactory response to the numerous concerns of stakeholders in the Aviation Sector. Mr. President wishes him well in his future endeavours.”

There's a lot of politics going on somewhere.

Teddy Robinson
13th Mar 2013, 00:24
without wishing to appear unduly biased: we don't actually know the reasons for this.
Nigeria, like it or not, is well known for some practices which it is
"well known".
Some people seem to have an inordinate amount of wealth for whatever reason big problem being that the source of that wealth is not exactly transparent, which in turn leaves one to try and figure out exactly who is looking after whom, and on what grounds.
The NCAA has been making some publicly very positive steps in the field of flight safety: seen that myself in their speakers at ICAO hosted conferences.
In time we will see if this was talking the talk or walking the walk .. let's hope for everybody's sake it is the latter.

However, as my mother would say " fine words butter no parsnips".

13th Mar 2013, 08:14
Teddy Robinson,

I don't know if you have been following what is going on in the Nigerian aviation industry since that unfortunate Dana air crash. The Senate and House of reps had always wanted him out as their own way of fixing things and sanitizing the industry based on their supposed findings in their report on the investigation on the Dana air crash.

Supposed findings because most of what they claim in that report is false, one of which they said Dana air is the only operator of the MD80 series aircraft in Africa, at the time 1time was still operational. They also requested that Dr Demuren be removed for reasons that doesn't make much sense at all except they have something against the man or maybe its just a way of flexing their muscles because during the Joint Senate and house of representatives committee for aviation's pubilic hearing on the Dana air crash, Dr Demuren constantly exposed their ignorance on aviation matters

250hrsand counting
13th Mar 2013, 17:27
My belief is the men in power are just looking for a scape goat, aren't they aware that they were no accidents during his first tenure as DG NCAA. I smell politricks

13th Mar 2013, 17:48
If merit counted, Demuren would have been retained, for his achievements speak for themselves.

But the tragedy is that our leaders encourage their people to cherish sycophancy, intrigue, the immoral, and the downright unfair, by behaving the way the have. Our people's values, which are wholesome and otherwise enduring, get a beating when such shame occurs. For instance, how many intelligent and patriotic folks will now be willing, after the Demuren affair, to give their best in the service of Nigeria? I think they'll fear being given the Demuren treatment at the end of the day.

And it's sad, it's more BS for the suffering hordes of our people

16th Mar 2013, 20:59
Can someone please start to list out for me Demurens achievements since he was made Director General of the NCAA.

I have worked in this industry for God knows how long and maybe I'm just not looking in the right direction or places but all these accolades and applause for Harold baffles me.......

You have said right here on this thread and I quote...

"The NCAA has been making some publicly very positive steps in the field of flight safety"........

"If merit counted, Demuren would have been retained, for his achievements speak for themselves.

Please I ask again ....What are the achievements of Demuren in our industry, please enlighten me because yours truly Just can't figure some of You guys out.

18th Mar 2013, 11:37
ZAZOO, I think Demuren could have ignored initiatives like US Cat 1 certification, the Cape Town convention, and ICAO endorsement, and gotten away with it. That is, no one would have been able to press him enough to inspire these events, if he chose not to. He could have done the bit he was meant to, collect his salary, and go home, every month. But he didn't. Fact is, the events were mostly his initiatives. Let's contrast his time with the tenure of the gentlemen before him; were there events as significant as the three listed above, during their times? And of course, there was the six year absence of jet hull loss under Demuren. Okay, so, it was dramatic, but it took place under his watch and should be credited to him. Anyhow, he had his downsides as nobody is perfect. But in my opinion, they are much less than his achievements

18th Mar 2013, 13:29
:D:D:D Dash200

I'm not going to say much more but do wonder how long the new DG will manage to stay whilst being told what to do by politicians?

Demuren has been ousted, he won't be forgotten for the changes he made to rid Nigerian aviation of cowboys when he took over. However there's a lot more to do in the industry in regards to safety, which he was making a priority but has been stopped mid-flight path

I don't believe this is the last that will be seen of Demuren by the industry across the continent!