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View Full Version : Training in the UK (east + west of England)

19th Feb 2013, 16:34
Good evening,

My last post was in 2007, and it was in preparation to do my CPL in SA.

Now 6'ish years later I finally have the means to actually do it!

At the moment I am living in Cambridge UK, and would like to ask the "collective" if they know about good training to be found in the east + west of England area or even the London area.

I have contacted some schools, but like everything, the sale sounds good, but I would like to ask if there are pilots here that can recommend good training based on their experience.

I am looking to do just my CPL + Instructors rating and not ATPL. I only have one kidney left. :}

In preparation of actually handing over a little outhouse full of money I would like to get as much information as possible, and am in no great hurry before I make a decision.