View Full Version : Retrenchment

16th Feb 2013, 18:50
I have just been informed that one of our flight engineers has been retrenched. It just so happens that he is 57 years of age.(Trying to save money on his pension???) Please answer here..........He and myself have flown 100"s of thousands of safe miles and I am devestated how this came about. He was one of two. We have contractors that are still working at the company and this sounds odd? Are they trying to save money? They have been on a financial strangulation diet for a few months now, when will they listen? By the way he had been with the company for 17 years and had a clean record.
Guess which company-please reply and i will let you know who wins in a week.
Safe flying guys! Hope to hear from you soon.

Farting Sloth
20th Feb 2013, 13:08
So Eagle 3 you are making this poor sod's retrenchment into a game. That's low. True friend you are. Mind you considering that your opinion of some of your crew members is "I sometimes know my co-pilots name" it is not surprising. I know this engineer and have operated with him. Good guy and lots of experience. It will be a loss to Safair but I also hear that he is battling with the medical. As for Safair possibly getting rid of him to save money, well anything is possible considering the management at the moment. :ugh:

20th Feb 2013, 13:27
Why bring this out on a public forum? What are you trying to achieve? From what I have heard from mates at Safair I would not bother to apply there anymore. Hire and fire too common there and thus not much career prospects and job security!

29th Mar 2013, 20:52
Carry on soldier

Solid Rust Twotter
30th Mar 2013, 07:10
He's always been one of the good guys there. Keep this up and they'll only have social hand grenades and psychopaths left ere long.

Farting Sloth
30th Mar 2013, 11:17
He's always been one of the good guys there. Keep this up and they'll only have social hand grenades and psychopaths left ere long.

Arend III being a prime example of this!:}

30th Mar 2013, 19:50
****e...I thought Safair is one of the better companies out there. Winds are changing from the looks of it...

Romeo E.T.
30th Mar 2013, 22:30
when the "bean-counters" become creative in their accounting duties, to justify their performance bonus, low life salaried employees are just mere pawns that can be sacrificed without any thought to the humanity behind an employee number on a payroll system.

Solid Rust Twotter
31st Mar 2013, 07:13
Arend III being a prime example of this!

Nah, he's not allergic to garlic and sunlight.

1st Apr 2013, 01:42
Social hand grenades and assorted meatballs? I thought Snake Eyes retired years ago?