View Full Version : Bristol Question Bank for Irish ATPL Exams

7th Feb 2013, 19:49
Hey, is there any Irish students that have used or using the Bristol question bank for preparation for the IAA atpl exams? I would be interested to know if there were many questions you recognised from the bristol question bank? I have read good reports from people sitting the CAA exams, ie. recognising up to 90% of the questions in their exams! Is it a similar case for IAA exams?

Also I see Bristol have their own bank now and most of the reports were from people who used the ATPonline QB, which I think bristol had something to do with! Anybody have advice on which bank to use?

And before people start keyboard bashing me, I have studied extensively all the material, I'm not just studying the QB in the hope of passing.

Cheers folks!

18th Feb 2013, 20:04
Anybody? :sad:

18th Feb 2013, 21:52
Well. I am not studying in Ireland, but BGSonline.eu is not covering everything. From my experience. That is why I use also atplonline.co.uk. Which has more questions.
Though an even better one seems to be aviationexam.com. More explanations, which I really now miss in atplonline.co.uk. and even more in BGS. I am almost finished so for me it doesnt matter , but I suggest you to look also at aviationexam.com.
In my exams till now Im surprised pretty often. Though I study also the books. That safes me quiet often.

Good luck with studying.