View Full Version : what to do next

18th Apr 2001, 12:57
I'm an ex cap 509'er who qualified from oats last year in june; and since then i must have written over 500 letters to the airlines with the most positve feedback being the odd application form. I know I have to keep plugging away and one day it will come but my question is are there any other ppruners out there in the same position who know of a cost effective way to build hours, now there is the F1 route but with no nvq it costs with vat around £7000.00 & no there is no guarantee of a job much like the cap 509 route which obviously has made me cautious and paying off a hefty loan every month. Does anyone own an A/C in the Berkshire/London area and offer cheap hourly rates as I find the most important thing is too hour build to get that job.

Capt Wannabee
18th Apr 2001, 13:00
Just out of interest what other qualifications have you got and other useful experiences (forces etc)?

Hope you don't mind me being nosey just wondering really if once you have an CPL a degree and other things can help tip the balance.

18th Apr 2001, 13:13
Before going to oats I worked as cabin crew for 4 yrs in the hope of gaining sponsorship which when it didn't happen made me even more determined. I have perf A, MCC & 294 hrs
and am presently working in the (don't mean to be cliched) IT industry which is driving me nuts as I really have no interest in computers. I'm 32, mixed race speaking fluent french renting out a property in London and being single after leaving a girlfriend who was as much support as oats during and after the course. But other than that still smiling and remaining if you can believe it optimistic.

Capt Wannabee
18th Apr 2001, 13:45
You didn't mention how tall you were!!

Cheers for the info!

19th Apr 2001, 04:07
How about the Flying Instructor route. It looks good on the CV you get to fly and build your hours and earn money at the same time. Keeps everyone happy.

19th Apr 2001, 05:16
Tried European Airlines, Swiss or French????
If I was you I would get on to the phone to OATS pdq to ask for help in finding that job. I know a lot has been said about whether OATS is good or bad, I honestly don't know but you pay more for the reputation/help in getting a job.

All the best,
