View Full Version : Android - clearing a "ready to install"

30th Jan 2013, 18:22
My Android tablet is showing as a notification an app which has been downloaded and is ready to install. I didn't order this app, and the installation has been blocked by AVG for Android as its not from the Google store. All very good and correct.

Now, how can I wipe this unwanted data which has been downloaded to my tablet ? Anyone used a good clean-up app for Android ?

Milo Minderbinder
30th Jan 2013, 19:23
I'd be a bit more worried as thats not supposed to happen......it suggests that the download is an upgrade to something that came preinstalled on the phone......or you've been hacked

whats the name of the program thats trying to install?

30th Jan 2013, 19:25
I'll note it here the next time it comes up. At the moment it's not displaying.

Edit 2nd Feb 17:00z - it's not popped up again. Must have self-destructed (or gone underground).

3rd Feb 2013, 21:00
Just downloaded and tried to install again


A bit late tonight, I'll investigate tomorrow.


Milo Minderbinder
3rd Feb 2013, 21:13
that appears to be a porn video download routine, almost certainly carries malware
it also looks like it was placed on the Google App store and quickly removed due to its nature
The fact its trying to update suggests you've got some kind of existing infection on that phone..........I know little about cleaning up Android devices, but you could start by installing and running some security software on it - try the Avast Android AV program

avast! Free Mobile Security | Antivirus & Anti-Theft App for Android mobile & tablet (http://www.avast.com/free-mobile-security)

however...in theory the app should appear in the list of installed programs. Go through those, and if its there simply try uninstalling it. It'll be called new xvideos or sex videos or similar. But still scan with the Avast software

4th Feb 2013, 10:20
Indeed yes, I scan with AVG for ANDROID every two or three days and nothing comes up. AVG is also set to block downloading of non Google Playstation..sorry Playstore apps. I'll try Avast. Many thanks !

4th Feb 2013, 11:23
Right Milo, I've done as you suggested and Avast found nothing - as did AVG before it - and there's no app remotely suspicious in the lst of apps or app management.

Looks like it's an univited guest waiting at the door but unable to install due to my security settings.

Thanks again - OFSO

Milo Minderbinder
4th Feb 2013, 21:00
googling would seem to suggest the answer may be two-part

Settings/Apps/All/Download Manager/Force stop

Settings/Applications/Manage Applications/All/Download Manager/ Clear data

I'm not convinced by the accuracy of the paths though - check exactly how it looks on your phone

Helix Von Smelix
4th Feb 2013, 21:07
There is free Sophos AV in the app store. You could try that.

5th Feb 2013, 07:16
check exactly how it looks on your phone

Looks exactly like that, done it all. Interestingly it's only popping up on the tablet and not the phone.

8th Feb 2013, 14:11
Gone. Thanks, Milo, excellent advice as always.

11th Feb 2013, 08:25
OFSO - Sorry, I answered your post but it got on the wrong thread. Mea culpa! Here is an updated reply.

Glad you got things sorted by using Milo's googled information about Settings. These can differ depending which generation you have. In android v4 ics, settings includes cleaning of cache, history and cookies.

A more direct way for the future might be to use android's inbuilt tools. I have the x-i-c-h widget on my home page 1/5 like this:


This screen manages my wifi with display of daily and monthly use, my bt line, and includes the x-i-c-h widget.

x stops all processes
I accesses useful system information
c clears the cache
h clears browser history and/or apps data

This is a very useful combination, though I still use Settings to Clear Cookies, especially after visiting those dodgy sites which send rather controlling cookies. And don't forget to try a total power-down/power-up.

If all else fails the ultimate way is to do a Factory Reset, find your way from Chinese back to English, and reload all your apps and shortcuts. I do this manually using screenshots of all the homescreens and apps/widgets pages, takes an hour in all, possibly quicker that fiddling around with fixes.

Another way to reload apps is to sync with google/android cloud and recover that way. Haven't bothered to try that yet.

Screenshots are obtained by simultaneous vol- and on/off, the shots show up in PICTURES.

The above relates to android v4 ics.