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View Full Version : Phoenix East Aviation for CFI/II and employment

11th Jan 2013, 02:40
Hello flyers!

I'm from India. I have been keen on getting a CFI/II/MEI rating on my FAA licence.
One of the flight schools which caught my attention is PEA, Florida. Apparently, it is one of the few flight schools which has F1 approved programs.
Could anyone kindly shed some light on the CFI/II program and its prospect, and also about the subsequent employment with them?
Is job as an instructor guaranteed on course completion?

Suggestions much appreciated.

12th Jan 2013, 02:47
dont go there.. They will give you a job off course, but no pay. So i guess thats called slavery?

13th Jan 2013, 00:53
Hey NoJoy,
I don't know who you are but what you said it simply not correct and not true. You can have your personal opinion on the school but you cannot lie about about things that you don't know.
I worked there as a Flight Instructor in 2011 and now I'm working for another school in the opposite part of the world so I don't have any personal interest to defend them.
Phoenix East is a very famous and professional school in the States known for the quality of the training.

As Instructor, not me or any other my colleagues had never any problem with the salary...
If some instructor was there not getting paid was just because his working permit was expired so he cannot legally work according to the laws of the USA
In some case, if the instructor goal is just to build flight time, they were providing him a students visa (that doesn't allow him to obtain a work permit) to the instructor, enroll him in an ATP course and let him continue to instruct without getting paid off course (because they simpy can't...it would be illegal)...but it's a free choice (and a request) of the instructor, not a smart move of the school that is paying regularly all his employee with a work permit.

If you don't know the situation, why you give false informations to the people that are just seeking help for their training???

13th Jan 2013, 07:40
And they charge a premium, just like Bristow Academy. Just because they are the most well-know/popular school.

13th Jan 2013, 08:15
Hi DauphinDude, did you train at Phoenix East???...