View Full Version : cholesteatoma ear

6th Jan 2013, 22:25
Iv had ear infections since Iv been little, but recently been diagnosed with cholesteatoma ear which is excess skin growth in the ear.

Im having surgery hopefully by august.

will this affect my chances off getting a class 1 medical and getting a job as a pilot:sad:

7th Jan 2013, 22:38
Eventually no, you can return normal duties as long as you dont get balance problems afterwards. This is rare but not unknown. The middle ear ossicles can be damaged by the cholesteatoma so there may well be a significant hearing loss. If left untreated, you could end up with a brain abscess

8th Jan 2013, 15:05
thanks, will be going for my initial class medical after my operation in a few months. will post on here if i can or cannot get a class 1 medical because of this condition so other people who know can see as well