View Full Version : VFR, the rules?

28th Dec 2012, 11:48

I have recently been requested to ferry a Cessna 152 from the USA to Brazil. I recommended shipping it but the client insists on flying it.

Normally I fly IFR if going international but this plane is not IFR capable.

Could somone point out to me the "need to know" rules for flying VFR in Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana and Brazil?

Are flight plans required?

WHere can I get VFR charts for those locations?

Is Handeling Mandatory or can I just "wing it" upon arrival?

Do the locals at the smaller airports speak english?

Any any other information that you think is pertinent...

Thank you so much!

28th Dec 2012, 13:49
I highly recommend Filing FPLs, have a copy with you always. Latin American Police are really stupid and always think you are a drug runner.

29th Dec 2012, 03:19
I second that. In addition to filing flight plans it would be important to keep in touch with air traffic control regularly, particularly when entering a country, and also monitor guard if capable. There is not that many paved airports over there so the few ones available are likely to have English-speaking people. Just make sure you double check things like the correct fuel grade, and be wary if they tell you 'don't worry, everything will be fine'.

About the regulations, they should all follow ICAO procedures for international flights, find some resources that have all the steps and required procedures, including customs forms, security inspections, etc.

Not sure if you can get good VFR charts, in some cases I know there are available WAC and ONC charts, but getting them all the way there may be pricey, and some of the charts may be a little dated (say a decade or more?). The only place I've seen maps that could be used for VFR flight is the Air Navigation Pro app for Ipad. It has ONC charts and other maps that can be downloaded for free, and the moving map with the pink line is also nice. The app also has drawings of the restricted and prohibited airspaces, which could come handy to avoid unwanted encounters with the Tucanos.

Panama Jack
30th Dec 2012, 04:37
I secod what leonardoperezsalles said. FPL's are usually required by law.

Also VFR between sunset and sunrise is usually forbidden in most Latin American countries.

The International Flight Information Manual (IFIM) contains useful information, especially with respect to requirements.

International Flight Information Manual (IFIM) (http://www.faa.gov/air_traffic/publications/ifim/)

AOPA can also be a useful source of info, if you are a member.

Old WACs/ONC's combined with current IFR Pubs (enroute charts, aerodrome charts with frequencies) will provide you the info you need to navigate your way down there.

30th Dec 2012, 04:56
Skyvector has a beta version of their website with international airports. By no means does it cover all of them, not even close, but can be a good guide. VFR charts for many regiosn of the world are hard to come by. Many times one is stuck with the old ONC charts that haven't been updated in decades.

30th Dec 2012, 22:21
Skyvector is a really good resource, thanks for sharing!

31st Dec 2012, 12:38
Hi bzwebner,
Do you need a copilot? I'd love to tag along!