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View Full Version : Moving to Canada

27th Dec 2012, 11:21
Hello guys,

I'm a JAA CPL(H) holder, and I live in Italy. A part of my family is living in Canada and I'm seriously thinking about moving up there as I am not satisfied with my present job in Italy.

So I'm wondering how easy it is to move over there for a flying career?! and to convert the licence?

I'm not fussy about jobs, whether it's instructor, aerial work, charter, piston engine/turbine engine. I'll take anything, just want to know my options.

Any advice would be great! Thank you.

27th Dec 2012, 11:52
Lots of companies looking for pilots-EXPERIENCED pilots (which includes hundreds/thousands hours longlining, remote area work etc-.).

Are you able to get a work visa?
Most companies are not really interested in "sponsoring" work visas.....

Do you have enough hours to be considered for a job there? (As there are more than enough canadian low-timers looking for jobs..)..

27th Dec 2012, 15:56
Unfortunately only 1000 hours on AS350, R44/R22, no IR(H), no longlining time..

27th Dec 2012, 22:31
I would love to fly in Italy!

Companies usually hire in the spring but it won't hurt to send out resumes soon. Lots of companies here in Canada operate R44 and AS350 and with a bit luck you can find a visa sponsor. Canadian Helicopters usually does sponsor quite a few Europeans every year but they ask for 1500 hrs so it depends how many resumes they'll get.
You can also look up the immigration website and see if you would qualify for permanent residency (like a green card).
PM me if you have any specific questions.


28th Dec 2012, 07:16
Converting the licence is quite straightforward - no mind games with the questions like you get with EASA. I can personally recommend the Central Helicopter Training Academy and Helicopters Canada in Ontario, Mountain View Helicopters in Calgary, and LR there as well, but there are others - it just depends on where you intend to do the training.

But it ultimately depends on immigration. If you plan to use your family as sponsors they need to be aware that they are liable for supporting you for ten years if you end up without work.


29th Dec 2012, 17:55
Thank you very much guys...it will cost 5000 euros to get the convertion..too much, too much money without a guarantee to obtain a job and a working visa..I will think twice.. Thank you