View Full Version : New italian Start Up

16th Apr 2002, 00:26
BLUELINE,one of the latest regional start-ups,will stretch it's wings around june 2002. this company will operate two or three DASH8-Q400 and some crews are on their way to Toronto for the type rating.
Well, seems like the market is improving a little......:p

16th Apr 2002, 08:42
Just heard it'll be based in Trapani (western coast of Sicily)............:p

16th Apr 2002, 16:02
Is Trapani open freely to civilian traffic or is it a still a military airfield with PPR? Thanks for any info.

18th Apr 2002, 08:53
Trapani-Birgi is a military airport open to civilian traffic.....
Gandalf is flying over there,and Medairlines use to be based there before going belly up because of financial problems.
Nowadays the arport is seen as a worthy alternative to Palermo-Punta Raisi. :)

4th May 2002, 17:28
Have you got any contact details for BLUELINE?Thank you.