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View Full Version : Not an everyday occurence

22nd Dec 2012, 06:33
Shetland ferries are not running due to weather so Tesco are adopting a different solution for the starving locals using a Hercules hired in from Norway and operating from Edinburgh. Two flights Saturday and Sunday arriving into Shetland at 11:00 and 15:30.

22nd Dec 2012, 07:01
http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS7wgnIJKimQCzlts52w6CcXdMRJi37B0B_KhDgmFu W61khMA8f

Thought I'd get it in first :O

22nd Dec 2012, 08:02
Such Luxury I remember going nearly three weeks with out fresh goods during winter in Shetland!!

Agaricus bisporus
22nd Dec 2012, 10:15
Hadn't realised the famine had reached Shetland!

Down here in S Midlands the population seems to have missed the end of the world being cancelled and are still stockpiling for Armageddon with two months worth of supplies. It's been going on for a week!

Very odd.