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View Full Version : Can a pilot have scars

10th Dec 2012, 11:49
Hey everybody, I´ve had a motorcycle accident a few months ago after I´ve done Class 1 exams. The results is a +/- 4 cm scar by the mouth. So my question is, in early march when I go again for Class 1 license renew, could this be something they might fail me ? I´ve have absolutely no limitation, due to that scar I can speak as clearly as I could just before the accident. Thanks in advance

10th Dec 2012, 13:47
Same thing happened to a good friend. They will ask to see your hospital reports, and try to determine if you suffered a "head injury". Were you at all concused, or cant remember bits after the crash, or do you remember everything? What diagnostic tools did the hosptail use? (x-ray, MRI etc.) I assume you went...

If they deem a head injury occured, depending on the seriousness, they may place an "OML" restriction( for one year). This means you can only excercise your Class 1 privelages as, or with, another qualified co-pilot (which for most commercial pilots is not a big deal at all). If it was really serious I suppose they may ground. You will need to get your A+E report, and that (at least in the UK) ain't always easy!

Best of luck!

10th Dec 2012, 14:31
First of all thank you very much for your response. Actually, after the accident they just took me to the Hospital, sew me up with a couple of stitches and sent me on my way home. I guesa there really shouldn't be a problem. I've been talking to a plastic surgeon who told me he's probably going to take me into surgery to get a better look with this scar and try no level and fade it. The only thing I'm kind in expectation is about those reports you mentioned, because I
Never really took any exam at the Hospital. Thank you ! :)

10th Dec 2012, 14:36
Oh and yes, I completly remember everything, in fact I called the ambulance myself and didn't pass out or anything like that, the only thing they gave me was some local anesthesia to make the stitches, nothing else. Thanks

10th Dec 2012, 15:09
I wouldn't worry too much, if i understand correctly its only an aesthetical thing, so it shouldnt be a problem....
Maybe tell management you fell of some stairs insted of on a motorcycle...
Good luck anyway =)

10th Dec 2012, 16:15
Yeah lol I guess it is, thanks ;)

10th Dec 2012, 17:18
The scar is irrelevant

The trauma that produced the scar is of interest

Like everything, it is how you provide your history

If you say you cut your face, were fully examined by a qualified doctor who told you you had suffered no other injury, and were sewn up, you have no problem

If you say you had other injuries or tests or can't remember or didn't understand all the X rays and blood tests and the night in ITU don't be surprised if they start digging. And rightly or wrongly doctors are often afraid to say there were no other issues. They say things like 'a head injury couldn't be excluded'

So within the realm of telling the truth.....

10th Dec 2012, 18:31
Indeed sir, I guess there shouldn't be a problem because the doctors said there was no need for exams because I was conscient, lucid and remembered everything and didn't pass out.

11th Dec 2012, 14:16
I have at least 12 inches of scars, some facial.

None have had the slightest effect at a Class 1 medical.


11th Dec 2012, 20:36
Indeed sir, I guess there shouldn't be a problem because the doctors said there was no need for exams because I was conscient, lucid and remembered everything and didn't pass out.

Think that speaks volumes.

I'd never advocate lying to the AME, it's a bit like sleeping with your mate's mum. A good idea at the time, but it'll eventually catch up with you:)

However, how you deliver the story may raise less concerns than worries.

"Didn't stay in overnight," "Minor injury ," "No loss of consciousness" "not under the car of a speciaslist," "discharged that afternoon," "didn't need any investigations," "was home in 4 hours," "was riding my bike the next day,"

are far more reassuring than phrases such as;

"the neurosurgeon," "MRI scan," "kept in for observation," "ITU," "HDU," "Head injury," "Glasgow Coma Scale," "Behaviour change," "the trauma team," "air ambulance had to land,"

may raise an eyebrow.:)

13th Dec 2012, 09:10
Read through the application form carefully.


There only seems to be one section (126) which applies to your situation.

I have a scar on my lower right leg from bone protrusion resulting from a compound fracture of tibia and fibula plus minor facial and head scars, all of which resulted from a road traffic accident. All I wrote was something like "Serial 126 - RTA - date - #R Tib & Fib, minor head injuries, no complications" - the AME asked me what happened, I told him, we had a laugh about it and that was the end of it. Since then I write "Serial 126 - RTA - No change".

Answer the questions truthfully but only what is asked for - do not embellish things with information that is not asked for. I think if everyone declared the reason for every single scar on their bodies the examination would need to be a lot longer (and the price would go up. DO NOT say that too loud at Gatwick. They'll form a committee to justify increasing charges and twenty meetings later the price will sky-rocket :rolleyes:).

Good luck - you shouldn't have any problems.


13th Dec 2012, 11:09
Thank you very much guys I guess I'm ok with it now. I'll post here whatever I'll be told when I renew my license :)

13th Dec 2012, 15:58
but on a humerous note....

Q: "Can a pilot have scars?"
Answer 1. "Never, they are god like and would never be in a situation were scars are the result"
Answer 2. "Of course, they are a souvenir of herioc deeds and they all should have them!"

On a serious note see the previous posts.

13th Dec 2012, 17:17
A bit more on the humerous side... The military wouldn't accept you for pilot training with a circumcision scar as you have to be a complete £&@?! .............
