View Full Version : ELGD been removed from website?

6th Dec 2012, 20:35
Now that the ELGD has been removed from the CAA website, does anyone know when a replacement will be put in?

Does anyone know if Oral exams are required for the B1 Licence as well as the 13/14 paper exams?

Have a lot of questions but no answers to be found from the CAA website or EASA.


7th Dec 2012, 06:55
give them a ring or send them an email, might be quicker, easier and less speculative than on here.

7th Dec 2012, 07:31
It was removed from the web site back in July and the roll out of 1149/2011 was the reason. It it being updated to reflect the new regs. It was hoped to have the replacement out for August but this seems to have slipped a bit.

The old version is still there in the background via a few old links

You can find the new reg on the following Url:

With the Annex (AMC's) on:

They have produced a consolidated version on URL:
EASA - Technical publications (http://easa.europa.eu/rulemaking/technical-publications.php)
but it's of little use as you can only have the title and index pages unless you fork out €12.00 it's the same for the Part 145 & M as well. Guess the old EU is a bit strapped for cash

7th Dec 2012, 17:39
The consolidated versions of various EASA documents can be downloaded free of charge. But caution is needed; some "consolidated" documents consolidate a Regulation with its AMC (but not the GM), and other "consolidated" documents consolidate all the amending regulations with the original Regulation to produce an up-to-date version, but do not consolidate the AMC and/or GM.

And all "consolidated" documents are likely to be out of date as it takes EASA a long time to catch up with its own changes.

In the case of Part 66, ie the subject matter of the ELGD, the best source is the Consolidated version of EC 2042/2003, (http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=CONSLEG:2003R2042:20120801:EN:PDF)of which Part 66 is Annexe III. All you ever wanted to know is there, and its up-to-date as at July 2012.

However, you also need to look at the AMC.66 and GM.66, as amended by various Executive Decisions since 2003.

Whoever thinks that this way of organising vital regulatory documentation is acceptable needs a strong dose of common sense. It is IMHO a Human Factors issue. The "system" has all the hallmarks of impenetrable French bureaucracy, which is hardly surprising when the Tower of Babel in Cologne is run by a French ex-military bureaucrat, and the French also had a big hand in setting up the Commission and its bureaucracy.