View Full Version : B777 rating to B787 CASA ATPL

4th Dec 2012, 05:51
Does/has anyone managed to get the B777 rating on their CASA ATPL upgraded to get a B787 endorsement added?

I heard this was possible but no answer from CLARC as yet.


Red Jet
4th Dec 2012, 08:08
If you hold a 777 Command rating, the 787 gets added by CASA automatically at at Instrument Rating renewal time. So, I'd imagine giving them their 25 smackaroonies, aught to do the trick.....

4th Dec 2012, 08:09
I've spoken to a couple of people who said that the 787 had just appeared on their license when renewed because they already had a 777 endorsement.

4th Dec 2012, 09:00
Woodja it appeared on my license without my asking for it. Couldn't even spell Boring...ooops Boeing now.

Hope ya doing well mate,

The Don

4th Dec 2012, 19:42
Does/has anyone managed to get the B777 rating on their CASA ATPL upgraded to get a B787 endorsement added?

Wouldn't it be a downgrade?

5th Dec 2012, 10:00
I had 787 added to my licence last renewal, but had to email licensing and request it! It was added at the same time as the instrument renewal so no additional charge.

It's a bit pointless though, you still need to do the differences course.