View Full Version : Where are my Google Gadgets ?

21st Nov 2012, 03:30
My Google Gadgets have disappeared today.

Vista Home Premium, and I have kept the clock and calendar in view on a sidebar of the desktop since starting with Vista just after it became available with Dell about 5 years ago (?)

Today no sign, and no way I can find a lead to re-establish them, I've done a System Restore back a few days, to when they were there, and tried to follow a Google Search suggestion about Command Prompts via Programmes/ /Accessories/ Command Prompts/ SFC/scan etc. but that only got me to the Command Prompt page then hung up and I couldn't progress.

Nice To Have, not Must Have, still .............

Milo Minderbinder
21st Nov 2012, 05:29
Those two sidebar gadgets are nothing to do with Google - they are a standard part of Vista
Just right click on the sidebar and you should be offered a list of gadgets to display on the bar
If you don't its because the bar has been disabled

21st Nov 2012, 06:27
If you don't its because the bar has been disabled

Looks like this is what has happened

( 'twasn't me, Guv, honest !! - at least not that I'm aware of)

Stop Press !!! ( later )


I wrote Sidebar into the search box of the Start menu, and a heading "Windows Sidebar" appeared as the first file/folder/thingy at the top. I clicked on that and all was restored.

(Didn't tell me why it had disappeared tho' ? )

Thank you.

Milo Minderbinder
21st Nov 2012, 21:10
this is how to enable / disable
Disable Windows Sidebar in Vista - How-To Geek (http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows-vista/disable-windows-sidebar-in-vista/)

and this is why its best to keep it disabled
Disable Windows Sidebar and Gadgets NOW on Vista and Windows 7. Microsoft warns of security risk | Naked Security (http://nakedsecurity.sophos.com/2012/07/12/disable-windows-sidebar-gadgets/)

take anything Graham Cluley writes about computer security seriously