View Full Version : Herc Formation

18th Nov 2012, 23:41
I am surprised this hasn't popped up here already, but 37 Sqn are currently flying a farewell flypast around Sydney. Two Hercs in formation up Victor 1, then orbits around the harbour and west up to the Blue Mountains.

Oh, and it will all be on the Plane Crazy Down Under Podcast in a couple of weeks because Steve Vischer is on board :ok:

19th Nov 2012, 00:17
Was pretty happy to find myself in a meeting on the window facing side of a top floor office in Willoughby this morning as the Hercs, "in loose formation", did their laps over the harbour. Made the meeting much more bearable than it would otherwise have been. :ok:

19th Nov 2012, 01:42
A long time ago they managed a formation of 23/24 C130E/H models. Someone realised the maintenance gods aligned and all 24 would be airworthy for a small window in time.

Unfortunately on the day, one was called for SAR and was not present.

19th Nov 2012, 01:54
There is a great photo of the 23-ship formation at the squadron.

Someone going south in V1 and an R22 off the heads got a great view this morning, any photos?

19th Nov 2012, 02:27
Oh, and it will all be on the Plane Crazy Down Under Podcast in a couple of weeks because Steve Vischer is on board
He just texted me he got to fly the sim after.

Nice work if you can get it. :ok:

19th Nov 2012, 02:35
A couple of pics from AAP

AAP Newswire Multimedia - News, Sport, Entertainment and Stock Photography, Video and Flash (http://multimedia.aapnewswire.com.au/search.aspx?search=%22HERCULES%22&field=ObjectName&Gallery=HERCULES)

19th Nov 2012, 10:00
Seriously, is two all we could muster?? Would have been a pretty boring "formation" if one had gone U/S.:sad:

19th Nov 2012, 10:27
......its all we can afford :sad:

Even broke Americans can do better!

19th Nov 2012, 21:04
The only reason it was a formation at all is because the lead was the camera ship!

19th Nov 2012, 21:10
Unfortunately on the day, one was called for SAR and was not present.

Didn't that just spoil a spiffing good time at the aeroclub!!


Thick Thumbs
19th Nov 2012, 21:39
Was that the day a certain Flt/Sgt was made to honour his words after stating that he wood bare his A"" on the Tarmac if they got them all into the air at the same time ?

19th Nov 2012, 22:16
So the "H's" are now toast, do we have any other model Hercs as well?

19th Nov 2012, 22:17
Seriously, is two all we could muster?? Would have been a pretty boring "formation" if one had gone U/S.

Yes, that's a bit disappointing. As recently as 2008 the ALG had available for tactical airlift; 24 C-130s, 12 Caribous, and 4 C-17s. After December 5 we will only have 12 C-130s and 6 C-17s. They are being rapidly drawn down as a capability.