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View Full Version : Beverley C1 XH122 of 30 Sqn, 1959

15th Nov 2012, 21:12
I have a number of photographs from AATDC (Army Airborne Transport Development Centre) trials during July 1959. I believe that Beverley XH122 of 30 Sqn. took part during these trials. Any one remember any interesting stories dropping Champs, artillery, Ferret scout cars and what have you?

A few photos below


Beverley C1 XH122 of 30 Sqn

Ordnance QF 17 Pounder


L6 WOMBAT (Weapon Of Magnesium, Battalion, Anti-Tank)

15th Nov 2012, 21:20
What's the location?

15th Nov 2012, 21:25
AATDC were based at Old Sarum.

I think that XH122 might be at Blackbushe in this photo, but am not certain.

15th Nov 2012, 21:46
Old Sarum, I would say.

16th Nov 2012, 07:48
Nice to see the 17 Pdr on the MSP.
I'd love to see any other shots you have.
The AATDC dropped some strange things on the MSP such as a Skeeter and and an Auster AOP 9!

16th Nov 2012, 10:58
I shall be scanning further photographs this evening hopefully.

I have been trying to identify a few items which include what must be an early variant of the Vickers Vigilant surface to surface anti tank missile.

There is a photo of a lightweight howitzer I spent two hours trying to identify before it clicked that it is a Oto Melara Mod56 without its' muzzle brake (duh!).

Something I can't identify, but have seen previously is a lighweight air portable drivable two stroke mobile platform. Was used for ammunition transportation.

16th Nov 2012, 11:56
A bit before my time - I was born that month :\

Great pictures though - we need more :ok:

16th Nov 2012, 17:31
JATE (Joint Air Transport Establishment?) used to be based at Old Sarum. I used to go there to do trials on and clear various underslung loads so that they could write an SOP. Probably that was what the Beverly was doing.

Not the u/s load bit, just a loading trial.

16th Nov 2012, 18:24

AATDC (Army Airborne Transport Development Centre) became part of JATE In January 1968.

Airdrop trials as well as load trials.

16th Nov 2012, 18:28

I was unhappy with last nights scanning. Last night I was using my semi professional scanner and scanning through Adobe Photoshop which would then open Silverfast (Professional) scanning software to carry out the scanning. The scanning was brilliant. When the scan then transferred to photoshop the image quality was reduced. Tonight I have scanned in Silverfast directly (still using the same scanner) and then opened the photo in Aperture to edit it. A lot better quality.

I have scanned at the same 600 dpi as I did last night.

16th Nov 2012, 18:44
Is that a wombat!

16th Nov 2012, 18:57
It is indeed a Wombat. There you go, have done what I should have done in the first place and put details on for each photo

16th Nov 2012, 19:09
I thought a Wombat is what you used when playing a game of Wom.

16th Nov 2012, 19:21

I thought a Wombat is what you used when playing a game of Wom.

Oh dear, both Mrs Hval and I happened to find that funny.

16th Nov 2012, 19:34
Some additional Photos from the July 1959 AATDC trials.

Ordnance QF 25 Pounder

Vickers Type 891 Vigilant surface to surface anti tank wire guided missile. Range approx. 1600 metres.

Austin Champ Truck 1/4 Ton 4x4 CT. These were very slow in forward (max. speed of about 60 MPH, safe road speed of 50 MPH) but went as fast in reverse as they did forward.

M40 recoilless rifle mounted on Austin Champ and a trailer loaded M40 recoilless rifle. Edited to change from L4 Mobat to M40 Recoilless Rifle

Vickers Type 891 Vigilant surface to surface anti tank wire guided missile. Range approx. 1600 metres.

16th Nov 2012, 20:09
Gun, Machine, Vickers, .303-inch. Water cooled and one of the best machine guns of all time.

The Humber 1 ton CT Truck. Designed to give outstanding cross country performance. It failed.

Ordnance ML 4.2" Mortar mounted on Mk 1 Mobile Baseplate. Range 3,750 metres. Fired H.E. & smoke.

16th Nov 2012, 21:26
Oto Melara Mod 56 105mm Pack Howitzer. Known as the L5 Pack Howitzer by the British Army. Range was about 11,500m.

Oto Melara Mod 56 105mm Pack Howitzer. Known as the L5 Pack Howitzer by the British Army. Range was about 11,500m.

Oto Melara Mod 56 105mm Pack Howitzer. Note missing muzzle brake.

16th Nov 2012, 21:38
Other than being a MoPlat I know nothing about this thing. I also do not know how effective it was. If anyone knows anything please will they let me know.




16th Nov 2012, 22:46
Ordnance QF 17 Pounder

Daimler Ferret Scout Car Mk 2

Daimler Ferret Scout Car Mk 1

16th Nov 2012, 23:01

I am not certain as to what these radio sets are. I believe that the one on the left is the Wireless set No. 88 and the one on the right is its replacement the Station Radio A40 man-pack VHF-FM transceiver.

That's the full set of photographs uploaded (except a few which are these radios and a someone hiding in a ditch)

What Limits
17th Nov 2012, 04:01
The picture of the L4 Mobat that you have, could it be an M40 Recoilless Rifle? ISTR the definitive breech opening handle was a feature for recognition tests. Great pix by the way!

17th Nov 2012, 07:59
super pics. I did a tour on JATE the unit which succeeded ATDU. Alas most of my pics of airdrop trials went 'walkabout' during one of my moves. At the risk of promoting thread drift does anyone have any pics of Hercules airdrop trials ?

17th Nov 2012, 08:05
What Limits,

You may be correct. I always thought that the Mobat breech was similar to the Wombat breech. I checked on the wonder web before I posted. The wonder web shows what I have labeled as Mobat as being Mobat. However, I also came across photographs that show the L4 Mobat as you and I think.

17th Nov 2012, 08:09

I used to have a photograph of a hercules carrying out an airdrop. Unfortunately an ex girlfriend kept that photo and a number of others, including harrier deployment to the field and the such.

17th Nov 2012, 08:13
The radio on the left is indeed a Wireless Set No. 88. Well known to many CCF cadets of the 1960s, it replaced the old wartime WS 38 Mk 2/3 which used 7.3-9 MHz AM.

With 4 crystal controlled VHF-FM channels, the WS 88 Type A used 40.2-42.15 MHz and the Type B used 38.01-39.7 MHz. A less-than-massive 250mW transmitter power gave the thing a range of only about 2 miles. No volume control or squelch, so the operator who wore that clumsy headset had white noise blasting out his ears the whole time. The second pouch contained a huge, heavy HT/LT battery, 90 V HT and 1½ V LT. Tx/Rx was controlled by that suspicious looking object, the 'pressel switch', next to the 'officer's handset'... But it was much, much more user friendly than the old 38 set with its frequent need for calibration and retuning.

When the Type A was issued to schools near London, it was found that Channel B on 41.4 MHz interfered with BBC Channel 1 sound from the Crystal Palace TV transmitter on 41.5 MHz. To stop any mischief, the Type A was modified with a large rivet to block the frequency selector from Channel A or B. But in conditions of good 'lift', it wasn't unknown for continental TV to break through even on Channels C and D!

The radio on the right is a 'Station Radio A40', which replaced the '88 set'. It had 6 channels in the 47-54 MHz range but still used valve technology; however, it did at least have slightly better range than the 88 set.

17th Nov 2012, 08:38

Thank you for the information. Much appreciated.

17th Nov 2012, 18:41
No problemo!

Back in 1966, I struggled to get more than a couple of miles out of either the 38 set or the vastly better 88 set.... Broadcast radio was BBC only (the few remaining pirates were soon to disappear), most people only listened to MW/LW and TV was 2 channel black and white 405-line VHF. Vinyl was king as far as music was concerned, with a 2-side single costing 6/8d. The 'musicassette' was just about to make its presence known...

15 years later, I was getting twice the range (and often considerably more) on any one of 40 FM channels in the 27 Mhz band car-to-car. Broadcast radio now included FM stereo and commercial FM stations; TV was now 3 channel colour 625-line UHF, with Ch 4 about to launch. Stereo cassettes were selling well, but weren't much use except in car stereo systems...and something called 'CD' was about to appear!

15 years after that and I could call from my car in the UK to the crewroom at MPA on GSM phone. Radio hadn't changed much, just a few more commercial stations and BBC Radio 1 on VHF. But TV now included dozens, if not hundreds of satellite-based TV channels..... CD autochangers were in virtually every car, although many still had cassette systems as standard.

15 years further on and the Internet has revolutionised the world. You can make videocalls to any part of the world; radio from anywhere is available with a few clicks of a mouse and the concept of fixed-schedule TV whether from satellite, digital terrestrial or Internet platforms is becoming history, with the proliferation of video-on-demand systems. Every kid has a smartphone and thousands of music tracks stored on an iToy.....

Whatever will the next 15 years bring?

17th Nov 2012, 21:06
I wonder if these are the trials a friend (sadly now passed away) told me about some years ago.
During the trials he was "volunteered" as one of the Beverley rear crew for a demonstration drop over Salisbury plan in front of a load of Brass, some of them from NATO.
The load was an Austin Champ and a 25 Pdr Field Gun and Limber.
Due to time constraints on the DZ the take off process at base was a bit rushed and some of the load checks were done a little on the quick side.

Anyway the run into the DZ went OK and the load was pushed down the runners and went merrily out the back with no sign of a chute deployment. Apparently someone had forgotten to remove the pins from the chute packs!

When the dust had settled on the ground the poor old Austin Champ was no more than 18" tall and the 25 Pdr gun barrel was bent like a banana!

It was an expensive trial for the Champ fleet as on another occasions the locks on the pallet failed when the a/c rotated on takeoff and the whole think went out the back and bounced down the runway shedding bits as it went.

17th Nov 2012, 21:44

It would be nice if your friends trials were linked to these photos.

18th Nov 2012, 09:24
I recognise one of the two NCOs in the last 17 pdr photo as George Rogers who was the AD craftsman at Boscombe Down when I arrived there in 1987. He was a fund of stories of Heavy Drops gone wrong during his army and civil service career. They included the specially bulled Land Rover for a demonstration drop for the Queen wrecked during rehersal. The Catepillar D2 bulldozer that separated from its platform in mid-air over Salisbury plain (its still there, all they did was shovel the soil back into the crater). The parachute extracted load from a Beverley during take off and most horrifically the MSP that left an Argosy mains extracted even though it was rigged as extractor retarder (luckily all the canopies passed under the tailplane)

18th Nov 2012, 10:32
Apparantly at an airstrip at Long Sumardo in North Boneo there are the entombed remins of an Air Portable Grader which was dropped when they were building the runway.

As they found out on many occasions; static electritrity tends to make the parachute nylon stick together if the load is prepared the previous night.

Cornish Jack
18th Nov 2012, 21:04
Started my time on Bevs with 30 and we were tasked with detachments to Abingdon for Para and heavy Drop training to sequence with 47 and 53. Never having done any heavy drops previously, the first run was with a L and Rover at Watchfield. Load left the freight bay and next thing was a message from the ground controller "Please tell the Captain that the load took 10 seconds to leave the aircraft and 5 seconds to reach the ground!" I duly passed on the message which generated an immediate max rate turn and a low level run across the DZ to have a look at the rather U/S Landy - no 'chutes = terminal velocity arrival (or thereabouts).
Just had a look in 'the book' and only did the one drop at Watchfield Mar 3rd '59 but in 120, not 122. Did have several trips in 122 though.
Of note in the OP's piccy is (are) the freight bay 'Elephant Ears' fitted to allow combined HD and Para combined. Initial trials with dummies from the boom with the freight doors removed caused some puzzlement - the dummies left the boom and then disappeared!!! Quick search revealed that they had come to rest in the freight bay!! Airflow without the doors produced strong flows into the freight bay and the ultimate solution was fitting the 'ears'.
A vey 'individual' aircraft and when (on very rare occasions!!) it was used for what it was designed for, it was quite unbeatable.

19th Nov 2012, 03:03
So where is the pic of a load of ping pong balls??

India Four Two
19th Nov 2012, 05:14

Great pictures and anecdotes.

Who are the guys in the "funny hats" attending to the Oto Melara?

19th Nov 2012, 07:13
India Four Two,

I believe that those chaps with the natty hats with the feather in are Alpini, who are Italian mountain warfare soldiers.

18th Dec 2012, 09:46
Interesting thread hval. What caught my eye was VX275's post(No.5) A Skeeter being airdropped(never mind the Auster!!) A photo of a Skeeter on the MSP, that's something I would like to see, bet no has has that......................?