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View Full Version : Air Astana CogScreen Test

10th Nov 2012, 13:52
Hello, comrades :) After passing of COMPASS the coordinator of the trainig program said to me, that after COMPASS I must to pass a Touch Screen Test. After few minutes of googling I have found this page - CogScreen (http://www.cogscreen.com/) . But I can't found a preparation programs for it, for example, for COMPASS I used a Sky Test preparation program. Where I can found a similar program for TouchScreen Test? Or, who can help with it? :)
P.S. Sorry my bad English;)

4th Dec 2012, 01:02
Hi Tasmuchin

Can you tell me what they ask you at the first screening? Exercise, etc,etc....

21st Dec 2012, 19:16
At first day I had interviewm the aim of this interview was evaluating English level. At second day I passed COMPASS (very similar with program from Sky Test), technical test, aviation English test, CPP test. At third day I passed final interview with visitors from US flight school, CogTest and 240 questions test on Russion language.

16th Mar 2013, 21:50
This is an old thread.
But I have a few questions.
Russian test ? how did you prepare ?
Sim session ?
How long before to get an answer after the assesment?
Tks for your time, I am currently jobless.