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View Full Version : Hints and tips for Pilot CV

1st Nov 2012, 12:10
Hello everybody,

I recently finished my pilot training with a degree in air transport. I am still a bit puzzled on how to structure and write a good pilot cv for european carriers.

Any hints and tips are very welcome

thank you in advance :)

Torque Tonight
1st Nov 2012, 12:15
Staple a €50 to the top left corner.

1st Nov 2012, 13:48
Keep if short and to the point - one side of A4.

Contact details clearly at the top followed by licences and ratings and hours broken down. If you know a company has a minimum requirement e.g. min total time or pic, make it very clear that you meet or exceed this value. I know a few guys who missed out on a job because they hadn't broken the hours down, and the first sort/dumping of cvs was basically done by a receptionist who was only going by a cribb sheet she was given, and didn't know having a cpl automatically meant a certain number of pic hours.

If you have any room left then academic qualifications, and perhaps a short other interests bit, but bullet points no long waffling paragraphs.

1st Nov 2012, 13:54
If you're submitting it electronically, don't just called it "CV.doc"

Artie Fufkin
1st Nov 2012, 14:05
Taylor a different CV to each airline you are targeting. What will be absolute catnip to one will make the other vomit.

Some will want to here heroic examples of when you have demonstrated a wide range of management skills, others want to hear stories of your mis-spent youth sweeping the floor at the local gliding club. Typically large jet operators will prefer the former, small turboprop outfits the latter.

Either way, make sure it sounds interesting and stands out.

Not sure many airlines still actually hold a pile of CVs for perusal. On line application, referrals and the old-boy network seem more prevalent.

Good luck