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View Full Version : Non CAP 509, how long......

5th Jun 2001, 13:18
Hello my fellow good people, just a quickie.
Is it possible to get an ATPL without doing the abitio (CAP509) course (ala Oxford, BAE etc), but in the same amount of time?

And, do you think it can be done for around £20,000??

Appreciated any replies (I'm desperate)......


5th Jun 2001, 17:52
£20,000 will get you a CPL/FI(R) 200hrs

You will need another 10K+ to get the fATPL

6th Jun 2001, 15:00
Thanks for the answer RVR800. Can you tell me what the extra 10000 is spent on, surely the ATPL exams can't cost that much.......

Oh and last thing, can it be con in the same time as a CAP 509?

Thanks again, w.

little red train
6th Jun 2001, 17:25
I'd say 25K is about the minimum now, whoopy for the JARs.

Go straight for the ATPL ground school, theres no point going grey for one set of exams, and repeating the whole process and a lot of the content a short time afterward, however be aware of time constrantes for ratings issue.

yes it can be done in the same time scale as a intergrated coarse, but then all the moneys used in the same timescale, and the price difference will be small enought for a full time coarse to be considered the better option IMO.

[This message has been edited by little red train (edited 06 June 2001).]

6th Jun 2001, 21:02
The best deal I've seen is zero hours to frozen ATPL for about 25,000 pounds. Thats with Stapleford, with about half the hours being flown in the states. I guess you have to add the cost of the airfare to the states though.

7th Jun 2001, 00:19
Thank you for the replies people, I really am thoroughly grateful......

'little red train', could you explain the last paragraph you wrote, "but then all the moneys used in the same timescale, and the price difference will be small enought for a full time coarse to be considered the better option IMO."

Thanks again guys (& gals).


little red train
7th Jun 2001, 00:53
you said a 509 equivilent, now call intergrated. thats a full frozen atpl, atpl groundschool, CPL/IR.

the idea of the modular is that you can break it up, groundschool (still go for the ATPL), build the hours (150 to start the CPL 200 for modular CPL issue), CPL test. and make some money ie instruction. then at a later date get the IR. spead the cost and earn on the way. If you want to do it in the same time scale as a intergrated, there would be no time to work, (all the intergrated guys&gals do is learn). and there would be no spread of cost over time. bear in mind the intergrated folk only have about 250 hrs, and you have to build to 200 before you can even start to think about the IR. starting from zero, in the same time scales I think the intergrated would be simpler and only slightly more expensive route.

I'll get myself into some hot water for saying this buit IMO, the airlines take intergrated folk at 250hrs, because they've got the paperwork and background and are a knowen quantity to train, a mod guy, with minimum hours trained all over the place could be a less tempting offer. saying that I'm modular and wouldn't have it any other way, more experiance and I'm not all hammer and tong for the airline malarky anyway.

7th Jun 2001, 01:06
Thank you once again little red train.

PS: one thing I can't figure out, and I feel a bit stupid for asking, buy what does 'IMO' mean.......?


little red train
7th Jun 2001, 01:27
IMO, in my opinion. probably more common IMHO, in my honest opinion. I'm not really an upstanding enough character to use the later, plus im to lazy to type the h :)