View Full Version : An intro and my first questions

28th Oct 2012, 07:15
Hi everyone, I am not so vain to waste your time telling you my favourite color, but I am 20, I know no-body who has any connection with flight, and will be taking my first lesson in 3 weeks.

I plan to go into Griffith Uni for their 'Bachelor of Aviation' program in 2014, so I ask you;

Between now and then, what would you do to make sure you succeeded?
(I plan on just reading the hell out of aviation)
Do you think that it is difficult to maintain an interest in aviation while studying, but not practicing it? (UNI studies)
What blogs/forum/mailing lists/youtube channels should I be subscribed to?
Computer flight sims, should I bother?
Where can I find 'deep' information on aircraft, systems aboard, physics, piloting skill, procedures etc that 'Air Crash Investigations' wont give me.

What questions should I be asking?