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View Full Version : Advice for a aspiring pilot?

19th Oct 2012, 22:21
Hiya :) I'm new to PPRuNe and I'm not entirely sure what I'm doing so please excuse me if I am posting in completely the wrong place.

I am 15 years old and just about to pick my A-Levels. I am looking for the best route into Professional Flying Training.
You see, the problem is I'm not that clever. But first let me tell you my grades (GCSE), predicted for the end of this year.

English - A/A*
Maths - B
Physics - B
Chemistry - B
Biology- B

So these are my PREDICTED grades, I know I have a C in everything apart from English which I have an A in. My upcoming exams will decide if I raise these grades.

I am looking at taking, for A-level, Spanish and Physics, possibly English.

Flying is all I have ever dreamed of doing. Since I was a little girl I played with Spitfires and 737, when other girls had cuddly toys. I knew I was destined to work in the airline industry. I made the decision to become a pilot.

What I need to know from you guys is-

a) Are these grades realistically good enough to be a pilot?
b) What is the cheapest country/school to do Modular training (Zero to ATPL?)
c) If I have a B in maths will I be okay with the Aptitude tests? The Maths side of it really scares me, when it's timed. How long do you have to complete each question/ section? what kind of questions are there? What GCSE grade is the maths equivalent to?
d) Do women face oppression in applications for FT? Or is that just a rumor?

e) If I put my heart and soul into this, do you think I can do it?

19th Oct 2012, 23:21
I recommend spending a good hour searching this forum and reading previous posts. This will give you a really good and balanced ideas to your questions. There is lots of good information already here for people like you, and then there's also a lot of biased or misleading information too. Read between the lines.

But in my opinion, in answer to your questions.

a.) yes, no problem. And pick the A-levels you enjoy the most and will put effort into.

b.) Whilst cheap may sound good, you've got to be careful you are actually getting quality. Airlines will always like to recruit from the best schools first, and therefore those schools charge a premium to train there. Some say its worth paying, some say its a rip-off, purely a personal choice. You make your own risk/reward calculation. I suppose if you are an outstanding candidate at assessment, the airlines might not worry too much where you got your ATPL from, but you'd need to get the assessment in the first place!

c.) Aptitude tests massively vary from school to school, but in my opinion the maths tests are never more than GCSE standard. Some schools even let you use calculators. Of all the things to worry about becoming a pilot, this is not one of them. You either have the ability or you don't.

d.) I doubt it, some might even argue its an advantage!

e.) Of course, but you will also need lots of money and to talk about"life skills/experiences". Start preparing for both now.

Good luck!

20th Oct 2012, 02:07
You've got nothing to worry about.

If you want a military career then get into all the cadet organisations; ATC and Uas.

If it's civvi you want then get a job and start training towards a ppl.

All the best

20th Oct 2012, 02:09
What V_2 said.

From a female perspective, my gender hasn't negatively affected my progression, although it does lead to some comedy moments. One earlier this summer occurred when I checked with security that they would be okay to let my other half on site at a particular gate usually used by the pilots. He is also a pilot, and they assumed that he was the operational pilot and I the guest. When
I put them right they apologised, and explained that I "didn't look like a woman pilot"...!!! Just wondering what a woman pilot does look like?!

You have a while to go yet, but get involved in any aviation you can (I cleaned aeroplanes to get flying time) - join the ATC, go to your nearest flying club / gliding club and see what you can do to build experience.

20th Oct 2012, 11:18
Welcome to the Wannabee forum!

There are lots of people here who are happy to help a person get a foot on the first rung of the ladder. You have obviously done some research and I suggest that you spend a bit longer reading through some of the other threads here - particularly the stickies - where you will find answers to your questions. Use the 'Search' function to help you.

Good luck


English which I have an A in - 'rumor'? :confused: