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View Full Version : Last commercial bmi flight in LHR

Blue Baron
15th Oct 2012, 17:56
The last commercial bmi flight into LHR is to be the BD928 from Baku on Saturday 27th October. ETA 1030 local.

This will be an Airbus A321.

Great shame to see this airline disappear from LHR and become BA.;)

15th Oct 2012, 19:03
aaahhh.. The famed British Midland breakfasts for ATC!!

15th Oct 2012, 21:54
I can almost smell the waft of bacon being warmed as the DC9 climbs out from LHR......those Diamond Service brekkies were indeed great :)

16th Oct 2012, 09:59
I am at work airside at LHR on the 27th so will probably see it arrive and being ex bmi, now BA, it will be a sad day indeed.

Midland 331
16th Oct 2012, 20:40
>aaahhh.. The famed British Midland breakfasts for ATC!!

...and us lot on earlies at Teesside. They were actually better for having sat in the caterer's "warm cupboard" for a while.

Having literally grown up with the airline, I can't believe it's gone. And to the one-time arch-rival.

You can stir a few memories here...

Flickr: Classic British Midland Airways (http://www.flickr.com/groups/2039211@N24)

16th Oct 2012, 20:49
I can almost smell the waft of bacon being warmed as the DC9 climbs out from LHR......those Diamond Service brekkies were indeed great

The cream teas on the afternoon flight from Aldergrove to Heathrow weren't at all bad either.

A sad day.