View Full Version : Log IFR-time during the MCC-course?

13th Oct 2012, 12:02

During my MCC course in a FNPT II (B738), I have been able to log 20 h synthetic flight training (from recommendation from my MCC instructor).

During these 20 h, I have been PF during 10 h and PNF/PM during 10 h. All the training in the SIM has been in IFR-conditions. Am I able to log this education as IFR-time as well, and how much of the education can I log as IFR in this case?

During my ME/IR I have been able to log both IFR time and Synthetic flight training time after recommendations from my FI.

Have been talking to CRI/TRI/IRI and my MCC Instructor but unfortunately none of the know if I am able to log it as IFR as well.

Thank you for all your help!

13th Oct 2012, 12:34
Hi mate !

I 'm not 100% sure wether this is correct but I've done it as follows

10hrs logged as PIC (as PF) in the synthetic part of my logbook and the other
10hrs logged as CO-PILOT (as PNF) again in the synthetic part of my logbook

Both are also logged as MULTI-PILOT TIME. If you have the same LOGBOOK as me which is (Jeppesen - Meets JAR-FCL 1.080 Requirements) then is straightforward.

I hope this helps !;)

13th Oct 2012, 12:40
Swedden has different ways of doing things than the UK does.

If you ask down in the scandi forums you will get a better educated responce.

I wouldn't worry about IFR time.

You can use the sim time for instrument time for ATPL issue later on.

Realistically your not going to be going for single pilot IFR work so its not worth worrying about.

13th Oct 2012, 23:02
Thanks for the help guys! :)

I did get an answer for this question from an old classmate at RYR who said that you may NOT log IFR-time in either the FNPT II nor in the FFS. The only thing you can log is Synthetic FT, nothing else.

13th Oct 2012, 23:08
But you can use that time though as instrument time which is required for ATPL later on.

And again check with your NAA your RYR mate will be under the irish authority who again have a differnt view on things than other authorities.

14th Oct 2012, 12:44
Both are also logged as MULTI-PILOT TIME

How can you log multi pilot time when you haven't got a rating for the aircraft you are flying? The short answer is you can't.

If you want to keep a log of these hours for the purposes of ATPL licence issue at a later date then put them into a "memo" column and make sure that they don't add across into your flying hours - be they single or multi pilot. You can put something constructive in the remarks section beside the hours as well in order to make the CAA's life easier when they review your logbook later on.

14th Oct 2012, 12:55
Shh don't tell them.

How do you think CP's do an intial sweep to get rid of the pillocks.

They look at the CV's and look for the ones that claim clueless rubbish for hours and they go in the bin first.

14th Oct 2012, 13:39
Well, this is what I was instructed to do from an MCC Instructor.
But still something is unclear to me and strangely enough nobody has the right answer.

It makes sense of what you are saying MCDU2 but I don't find any issue by logging this time under MP as it is a multi-pilot training !

14th Oct 2012, 14:04
You crack on and log it then.

The fact that its in a simulator and even if you had a multicrew rating you wouldn't log it as multicrew because along with the other flight times only hours in a real aircraft count.

Hey I have an idea you could turn all the lights off in the sim and you could log it as night as well.

15th Oct 2012, 17:38
You can log the hours as anything you want, but you cant use them for licence issue or renewal as you do not have a type rating on that particular aircraft. If you do have a type rating then you can use them for issue or renewal.

Just about all type ratings and proficency checks these days are carried out in an approved simulator.