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View Full Version : Geci - Skylander - in administration

3rd Oct 2012, 18:29
The CEO of Geci International, owner of Sky Aircraft, developer of the Skylander SK-105, confirmed today the company's request to be placed into administration. The legal ruling is to be made on Thursday morning.

Le Figaro - Socits : L'avenir de l'avion made in Lorraine en suspens (http://www.lefigaro.fr/societes/2012/10/03/20005-20121003ARTFIG00495-l-avenir-de-l-avion-made-in-lorraine-en-suspens.php)

M. Bitboul lives in hope of convincing the financially challenged French state to foot the bill for bringing the project to completion, but while his optimism is to be commended, there seems little chance of this government helping him meet his 2014 deadline for delivering a prototype to the market when they've even shelved plans for the extending sacred TGV network.

Can't help thinking that the French state's 100m€'s worth of aid would have been better spent on re-engineering an existing airframe. J31 perhaps? :8

9th Oct 2012, 13:03
6 months to find 6 million € of the 2-300m€ needed to get the prototype off the ground ... and there are still some politicians who think it's possible. :}

Aéronautique : Sursis pour le Skylander, Skyaircraft (Geci) placé en redressement (http://www.latribune.fr/entreprises-finance/industrie/aeronautique-defense/20121004trib000722942/ultime-repit-pour-enfin-boucler-un-financement-de-l-avion-skylander.html)

17th Oct 2012, 13:48
A se renseigner un peu plus on a l'impression que "chasser la subvention" semble effectivement être le principal objectif de cet industriel dont l'avion n'a jamais volé...
Dur de se lancer dans l'aviation alors qu'on n'en a jamais fait...
Et franchement ça sentait le bidon depuis le début.

ATC Watcher
17th Oct 2012, 18:18
Surtout quand on peut avoir un Twin Otter neuf pour le même prix, ou un Let 410 pour moins d'un million USD sur le marche d'occase.

Et ça on le savait depuis le debut...