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View Full Version : Are there any flight training brokers?

28th Sep 2012, 21:25

Please could you tell me if there are any brokers that arrange discounts from flight training providers?

(I'm just trying to get some quotes for type ratings and I get the feeling that some of the prices could be negotiated down a lot)

1st Oct 2012, 13:28
Mr. Surrey - Just my opinion: there are plenty of people willing to pay cold, hard cash (OK, probably really some form of electronic payment, but let's not quibble) for a type rating. There are so many people doing this that many of them may never get a job.

With a demand for training that outruns the supply of jobs, I doubt you'll ever see "type ratings 15% off this month" or "buy one Airbus and get a Boeing for half price."

In a real-world market place free of constraints or odd influences, competition mixes with supply and demand allowing the trainers to charge as much as they can get away with, while letting the trainees pay as little as they are likely to pay.

In summary, I'm guessing, "No, there are not likely brokers arranging type rating training." Hmmm. What if Travelocity or Priceline got into the airline business...?

Serious thought. I would imagine if enough people were interested to book an entire course together and simplify the school's administration a bit, you might knock off a bit. Not so serious: Bring ten of your friends and get a free type rating? Buy and A320 and get an A318 thrown in for free? :)

Just my $0.02
