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View Full Version : Advices about which school choose to doing my ATPL Course in uk!

27th Sep 2012, 17:11
Hi, guys. I have opened this thread because I'm really confused about which school choose to attending my ATPL Theory course in uk. If you can share your eperiences, the outcome, and advices that it could help me for my decision. Everything would be helpful. Thanks in advance for your further response.

27th Sep 2012, 18:06
Bristol.GS or ProPilot are both the most reputable ATPL theory providers. The offer both residential and distance learning courses.


27th Sep 2012, 18:53
are u sure that Bristol offers a residential course? From what I know, bristol offers just the Distance Learning.

27th Sep 2012, 23:20
Sorry for the incorrect Information, I'm pretty sure they do brush-up courses at their establishment though.


28th Sep 2012, 05:00
Full time can also be done at BCFT and GTS in Bournemouth, and at Wycombe Air Park (see big ad on right) ;).


28th Sep 2012, 08:07
yeah guys i know, which school run or not atpl groundschool, I'm quite informed about all the schools. The problem si actually choose one, this is the reason why I asked for your personal advices and experiences.
