View Full Version : Chopper captain pay.

Boeing Europe
26th Sep 2012, 16:06
Sikorsky S76 C++ Captains-Latest Pilot Jobs-Latest Pilot Jobs (http://www.latestpilotjobs.com/jobs/view/id/1850.html)

Just as a matter of pure interest how much would soeone take home as a captain with this contract is it the same as fixed wing or better.

26th Sep 2012, 16:52
Sikorsky S76 C++ Captains-Latest Pilot Jobs-Latest Pilot Jobs (http://www.latestpilotjobs.com/jobs/view/id/1850.html)

Just as a matter of pure interest how much would soeone take home as a captain with this contract is it the same as fixed wing or better.

My guess is that those positions are in Nigeria.

In which case, factor in lots of 'Nigeria weighting'. (ie danger money!)

Agaricus bisporus
26th Sep 2012, 17:04

Um... lifting...
26th Sep 2012, 17:37
Just as a matter of pure interest...

No such thing on an open internet forum.

More than a rubbish fixed-wing contract, less than a good one.

26th Sep 2012, 21:35
Boeing Europe? Do your friends and enemies call you Airbus?

27th Sep 2012, 16:12
When I messed up, the loadmaster would call me a Chopper. It was definitely a good thing... Maybe :ooh:

27th Sep 2012, 18:10
Forgive a rookie, but is "Chopper" not an accepted word for a helicopter in English?

27th Sep 2012, 18:57
Hello DonQuixote123, welcome to the forum.

Technically speaking (according to the Dictionary) chopper" is not an acceptable term for helicopter.
You do hear it often from someone outside of the industry (who maybe is trying too hard to sound cool).

Personally, I cringe at the sound of that word when used in place of helicopter, aircraft, Helo, or even ship or "bird," all of which I prefer.

I find that in countries with hmmm, how shall I say it?- less developed aviation resources, and where English is not the primary language, the word at question, I don't even want to type it, flies around (pardon the pun) quite a bit.

In a particular country known to some as the Sub-continent, it seems to be the word of choice when referring to a helicopter and worse yet pronounced "choppa."

Anyway, I don't mean to go on, but have been following your posts and think the world would be better offer with less "choppers" muttered.
Of course, at the end of the day, it's no big deal.

Good luck with all your future aviation endeavors.

27th Sep 2012, 19:05
HeloDrvr (I suppose you never seriously considered the name "ChopperDrvr" ? ;) ) - thanks for the very thorough explanation! I will make sure not to take this dreadful word in my mouth again. :=

30th Sep 2012, 12:51
My guess is that those positions are in Nigeria.

In which case,
factor in lots of 'Nigeria weighting'. (ie danger money!)

Spot on B73

I would place a large bet on Atlantic Aviation a.k.a. CHC

Sorry O! Can't hang around too long in case I get kidnapped while counting my "Danger Money"!


Technically speaking (according to the Dictionary) chopper" is not an
acceptable term for helicopter.

helodrvr - do you have a dictionary now in the USA? - congratulations - what does it say for drvr?
Chopper Rescue - Free Online Games (FOG) (http://www.freeonlinegames.com/game/chopper-rescue)

www.freeonlinegames.com › Flying (http://www.google.co.uk/url?url=http://www.freeonlinegames.com/tag/flying&rct=j&sa=X&ei=L0FoUIXrEMKk0AX9n4GIDA&ved=0CC4Q6QUoADAB&q=chopper+helicopter+game+online&usg=AFQjCNEaTk3rihGctLu-GKvWtnchD3sMiw)Cached (http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:UPn2vtinprwJ:www.freeonlinegames.com/game/chopper-rescue+chopper+helicopter+game+online&cd=2&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=uk)
You +1'd this publicly. Undo (http://www.google.co.uk/search?sourceid=navclient&aq=&oq=chopper+heli&hl=en-GB&ie=UTF-8&rlz=1T4ADRA_enAE424ES427&q=chopper+helicopter+game+online&gs_l=hp..3.0l5.
The object of the game is to navigate your helicopter around the land, pick up the whiny people with broken legs, and try ... You're now playing Chopper Rescue ...

30th Sep 2012, 15:05
:D Trog,

Thanks for the congrats- and yes, we do have dictionaries is the U.S.
Just trying to make a light hearted contribution to the forum, and welcome a new member.

Don't think that "Drvr" can be found in one though. Good user names are hard to come by, you must know that.

Anyway, strong case in point using a free online game as representative of the use a the "C" word.
I guess you learned to fly on line too, or maybe you just woke up on the wrong side of the hammock.


Bertie Thruster
30th Sep 2012, 15:50
I call them choppers and I consider myself a driver.
But apparently I'm just a troll!

30th Sep 2012, 22:43
No one wants to answer it seems.

100-140K (dollars) depending on country for offshore

better money in war zones

1st Oct 2012, 10:09
"Chopper" is definately an accepted term for a Helicopter Pilot in my language, life and circle of reprobates.

.....and don't try and change that!!!!:ugh:

The only way I pick up loose women is telling them i have the biggest chopper in Africa........and that takes some doing paleface.:O

1st Oct 2012, 10:31
Job advertised above is approx $120k

1st Oct 2012, 12:04
better money in war zones

And some non-war zones too...:ok: