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View Full Version : Informal mentor needed for wannabe FO.

6th Sep 2012, 06:54
Mid-20s female cabin crew relative is quietly amassing hours in her quest for First Officer-dom. Very bright, very talented, but needs some informal mentoring, insight and guidance beyond my technical experience. I'm looking for a female FO - or Captain - ideally fairly recently into the position, ideally 20s or early 30s, ideally who has made the switch from cabin crew to flight crew, and can spare a little time to engage in perhaps nothing more than a short-term email exchange discussing the process and experience.

Anybody know anybody....?

6th Sep 2012, 10:39
I haven't been an FA and got my command 6 years ago.
Have you tried the BWPA?

6th Sep 2012, 15:16
Thank-you. Good idea.