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View Full Version : Adventure seeker in the Canadian forces

4th Sep 2012, 01:52
Hey guys,

I've recently just finished my degree in electrical engineering and i also have a trade qualification as an electrician but in my few year of studying almost all things electrical I have decided its not adventurous enough for me. I've always had the dream of been a pilot since I was young and I followed up and got my PPL(A) when i was 18.

I would love to fly in the Canadian forces, I had planned on joining and obtaining a degree from the military and flying after high school but I heard that selection was difficult and was encouraged to go and get a stable job like a trade. But I have improved myself by obtaining my degree in the same field and now I would to take a swing at flying in the air force. I would be determined to sit on top of 10,000 pounds of thrust of a CF-18 but What I would like to know is it worth applying for?
I only asking because there is a lot of negativity about people becoming pilots in the forces, and too read them is a little bit intimidation.
I heard the air force want guys that have straight A's since pre-school.
But I want the opinion and guidance off guys that have been or are currently pilots in the CF if I should apply or not. I trust guys like you are the best to asked. Just to be clear, I have no intention of been an airline pilot straight and level isn't really thrill seeking enough for me.

Kind of embarrassed asking because I don't want to be taken the wrong way as in cocky. I'm just not exactly sure if my qualifications would deem me even a desirable applicant for selection.

positive comments welcome,
Negative comments inevitable.
